Running into your Ex

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Cameron: He laces his hand through yours, squeezing your hand a little. He also makes you laugh as your ex walks by. Cam wants your ex to see how much happier you are now than you were before.

Jack G: He gets really touchy. Like full force PDA. He pulls you toward him and grabs both sides of your face giving you a very passionate, deep kiss. He makes your ex jealous and dazes you to the point you honestly don't even remember there's anyone else besides you two.

Nash: He honestly could not care less. Nash knows that you have no feelings for your ex. He actually might send the guy a smile or a quick hello to be polite. He is not at all threatened, nor should he be.

Hayes: He snakes his arm slowly around your waist but thats pretty much it because he does not make his jealousy too obvious to you nor your ex.

Carter: He tries to keep his cool he really does. You had a very delicate and long past with your ex and he knows this, so you two being so close together makes Carter a little jumpy. His body will tense and he just wants to get away from the current area. He keeps his eyes on you the whole time, making sure there is no sign of regret in your eyes. Their isn't of course because your ex can't even slightly compare to Carter. Leaving him for Carter was one of the best choices you have ever made.

Matthew: He likes to make a scene of it honestly. He will walk up to the guy and claim that your ex was staring at him. He intentionally picks a fight which drives you crazy. Matthew is a sweet person but your ex didn't treat you well so he was on Matt's bad side. You felt special he got so defensive over you but you didn't want a fight. You would end up practically dragging him away. It was a little embarrassing.

Taylor: You could literally feel and see the irritation rise in him. He'll curse a few vulgar names under his breath at the guy and tense up. You would squeeze his hand though and give him a quick kiss on the cheek to calm him down. Your ex wasn't worth Taylor's time.

Jack J: He jokes on your ex, playing the "how did he ever get you" card and "ew that's what he looks like". He says them just loud enough for the guy to hear too.

Shawn: He gets jealous but he's just not a possessive person so he kinda doesn't know what to do. He gets a little nervous and you see it so you do all the work. This doesn't bother you though because honestly you hated your ex more a lot than Shawn did. You'll pull Shawn closer, wrapping his arm around shoulder and snuggling your head into his chest. He will kiss the top of your head saying "I loves you" a little louder than normal.

Aaron: He kills your ex with kindness. He will greet him politely and give him compliments , that are really meant to be rude. Such as "Ive heard so much about your great kissing skills." At that current moment in time he makes it his point in life to embarrass your ex.

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