What he likes best about your personality

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Aaron: It's without a doubt your charisma. You just move people with your charm and good looks. You're good at making people like you, which is a plus when it comes to pleasing family, friends, and his fans.

Nash: He loves how smart you are. He's always found intelligence sexy, and girl you've got it. He likes having a smart girlfriend. His parents like it too.

Cameron: You're stubbornness. It may sound crazy, but he likes that you put up a fight and stick to what you believe in. Sometimes he wants a little quarrel and needs a girl to set him straight, not just agree with him.

Matt: He loves your terrible sense of humor. You literally tell the cheesiest jokes and laugh at them in return. This works though, because He too tells and loves cheesy jokes right along with you. You guys are cheesy together. (Awe so cute)

Taylor: He loves how sociable you are. He doesn't have to worry about bringing you places because he knows you get along with everyone. It makes meeting his friends and family so much easier.

Hayes: Its your independence that strikes his interest most. He is young, and has things to attend to himself. He loves that you can handle yourself without problem.

Jack G: He with every fiber of his being loves your Confidence. He doesn't have to worry that you will ever think down about yourself. You know you deserve him as much as he deserves you so relationship doubts aren't ever there. He finds it so hot that you know your worth.

Shawn: He very much enjoys how carefree you are. Shawn isn't uptight, he enjoys making music and being mellow. It's great how you two can just relax together. Uptight girls just aren't his thing. And even when you are uptight, it's really not that bad.

Jack J: He loves how Secretly Adventurous you are. He likes trying new things, so having you by his side, happily obliging to be with him makes it so much better. Wouldn't trade that side of you for anything. It's only that much better that you're just that way with him.

Carter: He, with every cell in his body, appreciates that you are open with him. Having a closed off girlfriend can be difficult and frustrating. You're straightforward and you let him know exactly what's going on and how you feel. You don't leave him guessing which is so extremely great of you as a girlfriend.

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