Chapter 22 - ❛Ash.❜

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"Zayn, get back here now." My dad said playfully, chasing after me.

"No, no, no," I giggled, running as fast as my little five year feet could manage.

I kept running until finally my father caught up to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and lifting me right of the ground. I kicked around, yelling out to be set down again.

"If I put you down the monsters my nip your toes." He explained, grabbing my toes as best he can with the kicking.

"How many toes do you have, Zayn?"

"I've got ten." I laughed as I wiggled them around.

"Uh oh." My dad gasped, looking down at my toes.

"What? What is it?" I yelled, suddenly very worried for my toes.

"I've only counted seven, I think they've already nipped your toes."

"No, no way. You must get my toes back now daddy."

He only laughed as he plopped down on the couch, keeping his hold on me.

"I'm going away again, Zayn." He said slowly, smiling down at me.

He was smiling but I knew wasn't happy. I could tell because he was making sad eyes. I didn't know why he was so sad but I just wanted to hug him and make it okay.

"It's okay daddy." I whispered as I wrapped my tiny arms around him.

"You'll take car of mum for me, yeah?" He hugging me tighter.

Even though I was hugging him, he still seemed so sad. I hated seeing him down and I didn't completely get why my hug wasn't helping him.

"Mum always gets real sad when you leave." I whispered, focussing on my fingers as they rubbed over his scruffy beard.

"I know, bud." He said quietly.

He started crying, holding me tighter then he usually does. He told me he loved me over and over. I was just so confused. I know my daddy loves me, why does he keep telling me?

"I love you too, daddy. I'll miss you lots." I whispered.

I wanted to cry because I didn't want him to leave. He always take forever and ever to get back and I miss him while he's away. But I didn't cry, I did not want to make daddy upset. He was always so sad when I cried.

"What're you thinking about?" Justin soft voice pulled me out of the rather detailed memory.

"Nothing, just thinking." I said, turning my attention back to the film.

I wasn't paying much attention. I knew my mind would race with thoughts of him all day and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It wasn't that bad really, the early memories of him were perfect.

It was the ones dated closer to his death that made it hard to breath. I hated thinking about just how happy I was before I lost the person that meant so much to me.

"Zayn Malik!" He roared as he slammed the front door shut.


I knew I was in trouble. I knew my mom had told him of all things I was doing while he was gone. And I knew the second he got back, he punish me.

He would punish his thirteen year old son for breaking the window at the local drug store and he'd punish his fourteen year old son for throwing a book at his teacher. He'd punish his fifteen year old son for smoking pot and it'd be his sixteen year old son to take the fall for all the years.

"Get up, now!" He yelled, glaring down at me.

"Get to your room." He said calmly.

I was confused as to why his tone had softened. That is until I heard the squealing of my nine year old sister.

"Daddy!" She screeched, jumping up into his arms.

"I missed you so much." She giggled.

"I'll be in my room." I mumbled, walking out just as my mother walked in.

I sat at my at my desk when I got to my room. I started down at the picture of Ash and I kissing, not caring to flip it over. I knew my dad would hate the fact that I was gay but I didn't care.

I always cared what he thought but now, caring what thought, well it was kind of just nothing to me. I didn't care if he thought being gay was wrong, I was gay and I like it that way.

I sat there for about half an hour just thinking until he finally came in. He looked down at me, a small smile on his face.

"I'd really like to scold you for misbehaving but I've missed you to much." He said, still smiling down at me.

Then I just broke. I stood up and I cried. I cried into his shirt as he told me he loved me just as he did when I was a kid.

"You look very happy." He whispered.

I was confused until I pulled away and followed his gaze. He was staring at the picture of Ash and I, a smile on his lips which of course was a surprise.

"I always thought it would be that Louis kid." He chuckled wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Wait, so you knew?" I asked, shocked.

"Of course I knew Zayn, I'm father."

"And you're okay with it?" I questioned.

"As long as whoever it is you're with makes you this happy, then yes. I am one hundred percent okay with it."

"Thanks dad, that's means more than you'll ever know." I whispered, giving him another hug.

"What's his name?"

"Ash." I said, smiling just from the thought of him.

"Ash? Who's Ash?" Justin asked, pulling me out of yet another detailed memory.

"Oh, he's uh, nobody." I said with obvious hesitation.

"Oh." Justin said quietly.

"Babe, come here." I said as he started walking away from the couch.

"No, I'm gonna take a nap or something."

"Justin." I snapped, causing his head to snap up.

"Ash is a guy I dated back when I was about sixteen. I was just thinking of the time my dad found out about him and I guess I said his name out loud as I told my dad his name." I explained.

Justin looked at me as though I was crazy but I didn't mind because he was still there. He shrugged whatever thoughts he was having off before walking over to me.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as he sat straddling my lap.

I was confused and I knew he knew it because he explained what exactly he was sorry for.

"I'm sorry that you lost your dad." He said in a soft hesitant tone, wrapping his arms around me.

I didn't know how he knew because I'd never told him. I never tell anybody, the thought was to painful. I decided against asking him because having him in my arms was making everything seem a but better.


authors note ; so damn sorry for the wait guys, I don't even know what got into me.

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- Kali

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