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This is now the second day of the war and it was night time. The attacks of the monster aliens were vanquished and everyone is resting through the camps and also healing from receiving multiple wounds.

The best nurses and doctors of Wakanda healed and bandaged the injured as Doc helped around through his help of magically healing everyone.

The others were told to heal the animals by feeding them raw meat by the other animals and giving them some other herbal remedies to heal faster.

As everyone was healing, the Avengers couldn't stop thinking about Razor and her whereabouts but her friends told them not to worry because they knew where she is and wished not to disturb her.

"I miss the everyday life back in the Tower before this fucking war started." Bucky said picking on his dinner which was grilled deer meat and porridge. "We all do, Buck. We just need to sacrifice over something and that is to protect Earth from harm." Wanda said stroking Vision's hand over her own smooth hands.

Steve ate his porridge and spoke, "I couldn't stop worrying about Razor and I hope that she is okay."

Blue (the raptor) came to the view and joined the Avengers by the fire with her three siblings through sitting in between the heroes, who looked at them in confusion but Wanda shrugged and started to pet Echo through gentle sliding over her side.

Blue's sisters watched the Scarlet Witch gently touched their smallest sister before Delta nudged Bucky's hand over her head and the heroes responded on comforting the raptors through touching them.

Ghost watched from afar and grumbled upon missing the gentle touches that her trainer would give her before feeling a hand on her nose and looked at the man before her through her blood red eyes.

"Hey, Ghost," Erik stroked her nose as softly and gently as he could. "You really missed Razor, huh?"

Ghost nodded and begin to write something at the ground with her claw.

'I missed her. I wonder what she is doing outside the barrier,'

Erik knew it was hard to adapt about something that you couldn't tell about the truth.

"Me too. I missed her dearly,"

Ghost made a cooing sound and licked Erik's hand with her tongue as Erik gave her lightly laugh and patted her nose.

"I know, I know."

Ghost finally closed her eyes and let the sleep derived her into her own dream world.

"Goodnight, Ghost."

Erik walked away after seeing the white beast relaxed to let the darkness derived her into sleep before walking back to his tent just to see Echo and Charlie curled up on his pillow and blanket.

The man smiled at the sight before entering quietly and settled down right beside them without disturbing them and closed his eyes.

* * *

By morning, everyone rose up bright and early to prepare themselves for the second wave of the great war before everything will be at risk.

The animals were already up and on high alert as everyone into their current positions from yesterday.

The tanks and the others positioned in the borderline of the city as defenders and the leader was Stephen Tan in his glorious gold armor.

The raptors and the Avengers positioned outside of the borderline of the city (which would be at the field) as offenders and the leaders are Steve and Bucky.

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