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Oxford University was one of the most highly secured universities at all time before Jack Sparrow broke in undetected by the security guards and repeatedly murdered them until life came out from their eyes.

Now, the kids were inside.


Like mice underneath the cat's claws.

But three brave mice are going to prove it that they are not afraid of being killed by that monster.

Well, let's make that ten brave mice not three.

Jack Sparrow was the cat while the kids were the mice and the insane cat is roaming around the school corridors holding a butcher knife and a shotgun before the eight kids successfully came out of their respective music room, causing themselves to meet up at the lower ground floor.

"We got your message," Tough stated putting his gear on while handing the available weapons to the others. "I packed the weapons and our suits just in case something like this happens."

"Good, now," Razor cleared her throat before giving Ariel and William the sign language to give Zen, Jenika, and Kim their respective weapons and gears. "We need to find the killer's scent trail before it goes raining and weakened the scent trail."

All of us nodded before Silver and Razor caught Jack's scent trail and it lead towards the playground, but our brave teenagers knew better.

All except Zen, Jenika, and Kim.

"Guys, I thought the trail leads here." Zen scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I would care less if we would follow this trail." Jenika agreed, pointing the trail after them.

Kim scratched his chin thoughtfully, "If the trail leads us to the killer, then we need to take a shortcut inorder to find his hiding place faster!"

"Exactly." Everyone, excluding the three, said deadpanned.

Then, off they went.

* * *

After the Avengers landed at the school's clearing and found the security was long dead before the medics arrived.

Steve and Tony checked all over the place but found the walls were drenched over the guards' blood and there were bloody writings all over the place, decorating every white wall around the lower floor.

"We need to evacuate the kids before the killer knows that we're here." Falcon reported through the transmitter from his earpiece. "Good idea, Falcon," Clint said, deadpanned. "But, how?"

Falcon was silent for a few moments before replying, "Easy, we need a team of SWAT into the building and find that alarm system before safely escorting the teenagers out of there."

"Sounds a good plan to me, Sam." Tony complied, hovering above the SWAT team. "But what will happen if this 'Sparrow' is going to find out that the kids are gone and went into beast mode?"

"He won't."

Startled from the sudden voice from the other line, Tony nearly fired the building's window using his rocket boots in shock.

"Whoops, sorry for scaring you, Uncle Tony."

"Jesus Christ!" Tony shooked himself in fear. "Razor, how the hell did you connected your voice into my earpiece?!"

"Uh," Razor went silent for a bit. "Science??"

Tony facepalmed before giving out a sigh.

Steve looked at the sighing IronMan with a confused look before his transmitter came out static until a familiar voice came out of the speaker and he let out a stern tone.

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