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After the day of arguing who will be the pilot and separating everyone in different groups, all of us were already at the Japan Airport and we were crowded by fans from this overpopulated country.

Steve told the iron-genius that we will be using the quinjet for safety measures but Tony insisted that we have to use the public plane from New York to all the way towards Japan.

Both opposing males were locked in a heated argument after they gave each other's insults throwing back and forth like two roosters in a cockfighting pit.

Well, a lot of shit went downhill until I had enough of their bullshit and have to separate them before I could cast a curse upon them.

"We are taking the public plane by now," I remembered as I separate them with a stern, angry glare glistening in my purplish-blue eyes. "And after that, no one will be arguing like children when it comes to desicion making! I am in-charge now!"

I remembered that they just nodded and didn't reply or give out any insults until we rode the plane going to Japan.

As we arrived, the two grown men started to bicker about certain things that involves why we used the public plane rather than riding our usual missionary quinjet and, of course, the other would bicker back before reasoning that the quinjet is only for mission use; not for public sight-seeing.

Of course, their bickering made my blood boil and I just got them separated earlier before we aboard the plane! Now, I have to do it again!

But before I could do my task on separating them, we were quickly hoarded by fans and they already have a mob following us everywhere!

Fucking stalkers!

I was so happy and terrified at the same time because me and my family were famous about our heroic deeds.

They followed us everywhere until we had to stop for a break, which means eating some ramen at the local ramen shop and drinking some sake at the local Beer Garden.

Then, we started to explore the place with heightened senses and we were finally left alone the fan mob when they realized that we are going to the Akanashi Temple, where me and my family will meet a friend of mine.

"Welcome, my dear friends!"

We all looked at the source of the voice and found my dearest friend standing atop at the Temple stairs.

He wore touristial clothing while wearing a pair of rubber shoes, and a traditional chinese straw hat. He even wore a gentle smile.

"To the Akanashi Temple!" He exclaimed as he climbed down the steps with that the same smile. "And I am Yoshitaka Hirakawa, your tourist guide and a Mount Fuji Expert."

He shake hands with my friends and family until he averted his eyes towards me before confusion clouded his mind and watched me gently put the butterfly on the blooming flower.

"Curiousity kills the cat in many different ways," I said as calm as I could do to tame my tongue from saying such foul words. "It will be part of the human five senses, even though you cannot stop yourself from getting involve in some cases."

"I would likely do the same as you," Yoshitaka declared watching me with his cerulean eyes. "I have inherited my curiousity towards my mother and yet I cannot remember the exact words she told me onc---"

"'Learn to respect others when you claim to see what beyonds your knowledge and they will respect you in return.'" I cut him off by looking at him with my purplish-blue eyes. "It seems you forgot your manners on meeting a princess."

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