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Now was the first day of preparation of the Great War and everyone were either training or preparing the weapons and armors while the opposing enemy did the same.

Razor, along with the wolves and dragons, was in her white wolf suit (the exact replica of the Black Panther suit) with golden highlights around the suit and it was the most advanced technology.

"Mistress," Shadow appeared right beside her and sit down. "Everyone is well prepared of the Great War and the Avengers are awaiting of your arrival in Wakanda."

On cue, the bright red dragon landed infront of them before crouching low just enough for her to get on later and look around her.

"Once I have arrived in Wakanda," Razor replied before pausing to get on the rider's saddle on the dragon and continued. "You know what to do afterwards. Send the four armies into Wakanda and the others to the Border Tribe of the Wakanda."

Shadow bowed in submission, "As you wish, Mistress."

With that, Razor saddled the bright red dragon and both left the clearing without another glance before the dragon let out a teleportation flame and went through it; thus, disappearing into it.

Shadow watched them disappeared before turning back to the place and teleported back to see the four armies of different races being marched into the planes.

"Everything is a go, Colonel Shadow!" Jenika reported. "Good, set the planes into the different regions of Wakanda. The remaining must be set in the Border Tribe." Shadow nodded in agreement while saying that.

Zen appeared with a spear in hand and asked, "What about us? What are the teenagers like us are going to do?"

"I do not know," Shadow sighed. "But all of you must be present in the war and must protect the innocent from the evil."

The teenagers nodded in determination before Stephen appeared with the golden armor and weapon in hand.

"I've heard that Razor went off without me." He said while placing his golden battle helmet on. "She did left you." Mel pointed out the situation whike helping the others on loading the other cargo in the plane.

Stephen sighed, "That woman."

Suddenly, a pure red pheonix-like dragon landed infront of the Prince and crouched down before looking at him in the eye. Stephen knew who is this dragon and he named it Pheonix.

"Hey, Pheonix," he called getting up into the saddle of the dragon's back and settled. "I haven't seen you a long time before I came into this world of wonders."

The pheonix-like dragon let out a loud roar of greeting towards his Master and took flight into the skies before breathing out fire and went through; thus, disappearing as well.

* * *

As Razor's dragon flew into the air of the continent, another winged creature joined their embarked and Razor saw her boyfriend latched on the saddle of his own pheonix-like dragon.

"You finally got Pheonix, huh?" She asked as her dragon let out a call. "I did. He's a pretty thing." Stephen replied patting the creature's neck while it returned the call.

Both creatures entered the fairly small cave and into the opening city of Wakanda before flying over the terrains of the land and its beauty over it.

Then, the creatures landed gracefully on the landing patch as Wakandan warriors lined themselves over the entrance as their King: T'Challa, strolled along with them with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

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