37 - Christmas Special + Note

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Hey, guys! Today is the day that I'm going to make a special chapter!


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Finally! The most wonderful time of the year came recently earlier than me and William would expect!

The buildings of New York was decorated with christmas lights, streets were blanket with thick white snow, and every fountain or body of water have frozen stiff to make room for everyone to skate.

It was a beautiful sight!

The Tower was eventually decorated with christmas lights, speakers were blown in medium for musical christmas carols could hear, every agent wears santa hats on their heads or reindeer headbands with LED lights, and a huge christmas tree settled at the center of the lower groundfloor for the finale.

Anyway, the upper groundfloor of the tower was neatly decorated with christmas related items (hence, the lights and all) and we are the only people were awake from the cold morning while the others were snoring away precious time.

William and I snucked out of our rooms before making our way towards the basement and found a lot of stuff for decorating our lousy, not-so clean upper floor.

And the result, it was magnificent.

William was feeding both Kitsune and Atsume while I was making breakfast/afternoon meals on a fast pace until we both heard the door creaked open and we found ourselves face to face with our sleepy family and friends.

"Good morning, dad/daddy!" I and William greeted with glee, "and good morning to you guys!"

Loud chorus of "mornings" or "good mornings" came out of their mouths accompanied with a long yawns or rubbing their eyes with their hands.

As Will served the meal to them, I quickly take the opportunity to get the hell out of the tower with my incredible speed before Dad could grab me by the waist and got out the freaking tower with my black leather fur coat and all of the anti-cold clothes with earmuffs on my ears.

I waited for my adopted brother in two minutes and he eventually came out with his winter clothing and a checkered scarf wrapped around his neck.

"How do I look?" He asked as his honey colored eyes sparkled with wonder. "You look okay." I replied as he softly glared at me and grumbled under his breath which I heard it.

"I heard that."

He facepalmed himself before grumbling in low tone once more.

"Again, I heard that."

"Can we just go now? I'm getting restless for grumbling a lot and you hearing my grumbles!"

"You got a point there, for once."

Then, we walked our way to the apartment of the Woods and I was so shocked to hear that they were living inside a haunted apartment.

Ring! Ring!

I grabbed my phone and answered the call before we both stopped walking and resided towards the alleyway.

"Hello?" I asked with a small greeting. "H-Hey, Razor." Mozar greeted with a shaky tone, as if he was freezing.

Confused, "Are you cold? Where are you?"

"N-No. I'm in my house, just got a flu virus yesterday."

Poor guy.

"Hey, are still going to the party tonight?"

Mozar let out a loud cough, "I don't kn-know, but I'll try."

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