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Atsume looked at them with his glowing crimson red eyes before repeating the statement once more.

"Defeating Jean?"

The trio nodded in response.

"I thought you would go on ahead to tackle that miserable fool, Atsume," Commander Silver growled as he made his appearance and glared at the three timberwolves, "And yet here you are, talking aimlessly towards these strangers that I do not recognize."

Atsume didn't realized that they have arrived the meeting area before he turned and saw his commander in his wolf form before whimpering in fear.

"Hey! Don't ever talk to Atsume like that!" Jereen howled in anger as she gritted her sharp teeth. "Yeah, you are just probably losing some nerve on talking one of the most loyal warriors in this land!" Ryu snarled in rage as he begin into a fighting stance.

Silver caught their strange scent but have been noticing their change of behavior towards him and tried on protecting the whimpering male.

He growled, "Why you--! Atsume may be one of the most loyal warriors under my command and he must not talk to you strangers at all! I smelled your scent and my mind told me that you don't belong here!"

"ENOUGH!" Ashley howled, tackling Silver to the ground with her massive form and the others back off in fear, "We do not tolerate any strangers around you or any of our friends! You just do not recognize us because of our scents!"

Silver kicked Ashley and got up before snarling towards them, "Then, tell me who are you!"

"They are Mistress Razor's long lost siblings, Commander Silver," Kitsune calmly replied as he stood his ground when the snarling silver wolf glared at him but he seemed not to flinch nor batted an eye. "They have come here to aid our rescue on Mistress Razor. They also came here to guide us or tell us the events on what will happen next."

"How did you know about this?" Tempest asked with confusion.

Kitsune sighed before smelling their scents and replied, "I happen to know who they are when I smelled their strange scents earlier and known them for more than a decade when their parents were alive before one of them betrayed the clan."

Silver grew agitated and howled in anger, "Quit blabbering nonsense! We have to rescue the family before they will be killed in an instant and we need to come up a plan to rescue Mistress!"

The trio of timberwolves morphed themselves back into human form and they were wearing battle armor while holding out their useful battle weapons in hands.

Silver masks were attached to their faces for not letting anyone knew who their true identities were and only their eyes could be seen from the two eye holes.

"I can send a few men towards the area that my sister's adopted family would be and can rescue them without noticing the guards what hit them." Ashley said sternly, bringing out her own aura of co-leadership. "I will also send these two ahead of you towards the abandoned plantation and find Razor."

Tempest pursed her lips and protested, "But that could alarm the enemy and capture them before they both could get into the holding cell."

"Exactly," the grey haired teenager sneered, "I just want Ryu and Jereen to be captured and send a messenger back here."

Everyone nodded their heads in submission for accepting the new mission and style of it before turning their heads towards the stunned commander and waited for him to agree with the plan.

"Fine, make this plan of yours worth it."

Everyone cheered in victory.

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