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"Sir, we have sightings of Thanos and his group raging around the city."

Director Fury rubbed his aching temples and let Agent Hill call the Avengers including the new additions.

"Hello? How may I help you?"

Hill was puzzled by the sudden change of tone from the reciever.

"This is Agent Hill, and on behalf of Director Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D, I am calling the Avengers for an emergency meeting with the Director."

The voice gasped out loud and chuckled, "Okay, I'll tell them in fifteen minutes."

"What do you mean fifteen minutes, maam? This is very urgent!"

"I'll, uh, call you ba---"

There was some slight struggle coming from the reciever and someone screamed like a banshee while the other muttered out curses under his or her breath before the receiver got the right frequency.

"You shouldn't have answer when William is on the phone because he, uh, tends to make some prank calls."

Hill sighed in relief after recognizing the voice which would be Razor and the other was her adopted brother.

"Good thing," she praised her, "Did you heard what I told to your adopted brother?"

"I did and told everyone about it," Razor paused to catch her breath before continuing, "Even I told Loki about the mission and he just got off the hook when he wants to go with Thor like a 4 year old."

Hill chuckled and told her about the recent sightings of Thanos and his group in the city which made Razor growled in annoyance before both bid goodbye to each other or see you soon.


* * *


"Ow! What the hell?!"

"That's for nearly getting into the situation of prank calling my Aunt Hill!"

"Well, it wasn't my fault why the phone is unoccupied!"




"Eeeooouuuch! That's four times you already hit me in the head!"

"Just shut up and suit up."

William rubbed his head as he geared up and went back to the hanger along with the others while I take my time in putting the weapons (primary and secondary weapons) before rejoining the others as well.

"What takes you so long to suit up?"

I turned to see Star Lord and his buddies along with Spiderman and Doctor Strange.

"Let's just say that," Steve ruffled my hair which I smacked his hand away and hissed, "She likes to take her time."

Doctor Strange looked at me like I was a specimen stuck inside a jar filled with lukewarm waters and said, "She is quite alert and her flexes are quite understandable."

"She's different, Strange." Star Lord butted in.

"How can describe the word 'different', Star Lord?" Doctor Strange sneered. "She could be a princess of something or one of the keepers of the infinity stones."

This caught the attention of Shadow.

"I believe it is time to get moving and complete the mission," the purple wolf hissed under his breath as he lead Razor and the others to the quinjet, "While you two are at it, quit bickering and get to the plane! Never mention about the Infinity Stones again!"

The Avengers' Wolf | Avengers Where stories live. Discover now