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After decent days of hanging out with my parents and family, I was able to catch up what just happened to everyone else in just the past three weeks and I was able to tell them what happened to me last two weeks.

"Being forced to go into someone's property is a big no no."

"I know that, Doc. You don't have to tell me twice."

"He didn't told you twice but three times in a row!"

"Unlike you can handle on sinking all of the information that our two dads scolded us for the past four hours ago!"

"Meh. I've been through worse."

"A lot worse? How?"

"Gangs, criminals taking the corner around, and robbers heavily to gain money."

"Touché, Jenika."

"Guys, we got a mission today and its a rescue mission."

Yup, you read that right, folks. We have a rescue mission today and our mission is right outskirts of the town before we were able to suit up, we were given stacks of high technology by the SHIELD.

Thankfully, the rescue mission was only consist us, teenagers, and a few agents of SHIELD.

After three weeks of my absence in SHIELD and the Avengers Tower, Uncle Fury immediatly take us to the SHIELD FACILITY to train on our capabilities of outfield before we were shuffled to take on our team and we were end up all together in one team.

And I was happy. Darn happy about the arrangement.

"Alright!" I yelled as we got into our positions of the quinjet. "We have three people that needed to be rescued on the docket and they have mistakenly at the territory of the enemy lines! We need to get them out of there until all enemy lines are cleared by the Offense Team!"

"Any questions?" Tough asked, louding his double energy pistol guns and strapped a few light/blind bombs on his waistbelt. "No? Good!"

I was the Team Captain of my team, Tough is the Team General, Sting is the Team Stealth, Doc is the Team Healer, Jenika is the Team Sniper, Zen is the Team LookOut, Kim is the Team Hacker, and Silver is the Team Wolf-Whisperer.

I was able to get into the team due to the leadership skills that I inherited from my biological father and mother before they died from Hidan's ruthless and brutal hands.

The others were discovered by their accidental talents when they were told to do what their talents are and we were
S H O O K E D by taking as much information as we can on discovering their true talents and purposes on life.

All of us were ready on rescuing and finding the trapped civilians that are near the enemy lines before our quinjet landed out of the war lines, causing the latch to open and all of us piled out in different groups that they were assigned by Uncle Fury.

I have taken the lead on my Team and we have covered the entire with mini-cameras before I signalled the group of Silver to go straight ahead and rescue the three civilians without being seen.

Adreline pumped through out veins as we open fired towards the enemy to cover Silver's team as they entered the protected shelter at the left side of the battle field and finally emerged out of it with three injured civilians in their hands.

"Doc!" Jenika called from the back as she shot another arrow at the enemy's direction. "Ready the medbay and the medical supplies that Bruce and Wilson gave you!"

Doc nodded in understandment before calling out his medical team on preparing the medical supplies and the medbay for the injured.

Then, Silver and his team came back to our lines safely before laying down the three injured civilians as the medical team went to work and begin heaking their near life threatning wounds.

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