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A frozen statue of a purplish-black dragon was found in the center of the city along with the frozen bodies of Thanos and his group by the Avengers and the Agents of Shield as the others were told to stay put inside the Shield Facility until they all get back.

Except Ariel and Gabby; who were required to go with them due to their recent experience from other missions that Razor would give them.

As for Razor, she was nowhere to be found.

"Goddammit, I should have known her anger and killing intentions towards Jean and Thanos." Steve commented upon seeing the frozen winged beast and its allies. "We could have but we already know Razor on what type of battle she wants." Bucky muttered under his breath just loud enough for Steve and the others to hear.

"Hey guys!"

Everyone turned around and saw Gabby looking at a certain colored stone on the ground before picking it up and gave it towards Doctor Strange.

"Where did you find this?" Strange asked. "On the ground; obviously." Gabby replied with a small smirk trying to play his cards on Strange.

Strange slightly glared at him, "Specifically, please."

Gabby let out an annoying groan before exclaiming, "Dude, you are much more annoying than Tough and Sting combined!"

Strange only chuckled at his response which making Gabby cried out in frustration and everyone shared a laugh before loading the captured villians in the cargo jet.

"Think twice before replying his words, brother." Ariel suggested with a hum after boarding into the jet. "I'll think about that, sister. Doctor Strange is definitely a combination of Tough and Sting in one go." Gabby huffed sitting next to her and started to reload his gun.

Ariel laughed lightly, "Whatever you wish in your mind, brother."

He grumbled under his breath and looked away from her as the cargo jet begin to start its engine and took off.

* * *

Everything was at peace in a certain yet sacred place that I have taken refuge into after the fight between me and Jean.

I was in the Mountain of the Ancient Warriors, seeking wisdom and strength to fight against her along with the help of the Wolf Necklace; which the pure blue stone was giving off a great amount of power to make me hear what the other animals talking about or thinking about.

"Let's go for a hunt!" One snow leopard cub pawed its siblings as I watched them. "No, I'm too tired! I need to rest!" Exclaimed the other one, trying to push away the younger cub.

I smiled before climbing into the highest rocks of the mountain and looked down below before giving a mighty thunderous roar.

Every animal stopped what they were doing and looked up to see my sparkling figure basking under the sun before gathering down below the high rock.

I shut my mouth and watched them scattered beneath the rock before one grey timberwolf stood beside my dragon figure.

"Are you here to proclaim the high rock, stranger?" The wolf asked setting a huge paw over the rock. "I may understand your tongue but I am only here, not only to proclaim the throne, to make some reinforcements to your kind." I replied with a small growl rumbling under my throat.

The wolf bared his fangs and snarled, "In that case, you, stranger, must have to battle against me for the honor of proclaiming the high rock!"

I huffed before looking away and said, "You will not stand a chance against me, sir."


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