38 - Sequel Preview

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This will be a Sequel Preview of about the Second Book: The Past is the New Day.

The title is not yet finalize, so I need suggestions about the sequel title. Please comment below about it.


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"Are we gonna die, mama?"

"Shush, little one. We are not going to die."

"Where is papa, mama?"

"He is out hunting with the others, so not to worry, he will return safe and sound."








Fear gripped my heart as I answered the call.

"What happened out there? Tell me!"

"Mistress, your sister. S-She banished i-into her cell!"

No. It cannot be.

"My husband! Where is he!?"

"Forgive me, Mistress. He is no longer with us."

My husband...dead? No...

"Mama, w-where is p-papa? I-I'm cold."

"Little one, papa is not with us anymore. You must understand the situation right now."

My child sniffed feeling fear and terror entered her small mind and heart before nodding her little head.

"P-papa, on where you are n-now, please watch over me and m-mama. I love you, papa."

A silver silhoutte of a man stood before the child and nodded in agreement and stared lovingly at me and the little girl.

"I will always watch you and mama, little one. I always love you both."

The child sniffled in pain before I cradled her into my arms and told the warrior to hunt down the monster that I have given a chance before I sealed her away.

"Find that monster. Find her and bring her to justice!"

"As you wish, Mistress."

"If she set foot into these grounds, then I have no choice but to seal her again! She must not get passed our clan!"

"Of course, I will set out two dozen warriors and hunters to find her."

"Go, find her, if you must. Scatter your warriors and hunters around the perimeter of the forest. Let no hunter or human enter the forest, if they will, chase them away."

"Yes, Mistress."

I could not imagine the events so early to happen yet I am angry on what happened to my husband.

He should have brought me! But, no, he wanted to be responsible and the ancestors of the higher council have brought him to be the Alpha Male of the clan while I became the Alpha Female.

Now, he was gone. Like a pile of ashes being blown away by the wind.

I will avenge him, for I know who killed him.

I will destroy my sister, no matter what it takes.

I will protect my child, our only offspring.

I will bring justice to those who have perished under the hands of my sister.

Because....I was born to be an Avenger.

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This is the sequel preview! So, I am willing to add/to make another book if possible!

Anyways, I wanted to thank everyone for helping this book to reach 2K and almost 3K!

This is just a preview and no worries that I will be absorbing more knowledge than you ever imagine!

I am also not yet sure when the sequel will be released and just give me a lot of time. I need to finish this before making the sequel.

Oh, yeah. Don't forget to vote!


The Avengers' Wolf | Avengers Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora