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After weeks and weeks of looking for clues on finding Jack Sparrow's scent, Silver and I have to be in out wolf forms in order to find his scent around the campus but we found a trace of scent on the ripped shirt before Doc put it inside his pocket for safety measures and further investigation.

Jenika believed in supernatural and haunting stuff like she would put it to herself while the other two talk about what boys talked about.

Heck, even I didn't get a chance on talking with Atsume and Kitsune for today because of some stupid whore lurking around the school grounds after he escaped--or should I say--someone have setup the escape route for him to escape.

One reason on how he escape is that:

Maybe Hidan or Joker helped him escape and payed all of his crimes' expenses.

Which Jack hadn't payed for years lately.

No one knew how he escaped the jail but somehow, one of them knew when or what made him escaped and too powerful to be held in custody.


We need to find him fast before he spread his lovely yet sickly virus of hell from his own body and made the kids insane.

* * *


As the three creepypastas reported to Slendy that they have found what the mysterious item he said to them at the basement and have retrieved it successfully.

Before Hoodie accidentally blurted out the incident earlier, which giving Masky and OffenderMan the chance to tackle him to the ground and destroy his lights out, but Slendy stopped them and said in a monotous tone:

"I will deal with Hoodie. Now, go to your rooms and rest for the night. For we have an urgent meeting for tomorrow."

The other two didn't argue and immediatly followed orders before Slendy and Hoodie could hear them walked out of his office and went to their respective rooms, of course, Masky closed the door behind.

Slendy looked at Hoodie and asked, "What was that you are saying?"

Hoodie was sweating bullets behind his dark black mask before replying, "When we were trying to find the mysterious item that you told us, a young teenager with snow white hair run past us but OffenderMan caught her before she could escape."

"Then, what did my brother do to her?"

"OffenderMan was trying to tell her that he will kill her and--" Hoodie stopped himself before his loud tone turned to an audible whisper. "Rape her."

Slendy looked at him with shock before clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white and anger started to show at his facial features.

"Are there anything else did my brother do to the young teenage girl?"

"Let me think for a second," Hoodie tapped his first finger on his chin before shaking his head from side to side. "No, there were none."

Slendy gave out a sigh of frustration before turning his back at Hoodie and stared at the foggy darkness settling infront of his window.

"You are dismissed, Hoodie," He calmly said, staring out the window. "Have a good night's rest, Hoodie."

Hoodie relaxed before bowing in submission and leave the office with small reply:

"Thank you, Master SlenderMan."

After the proxy left his office, Slendy knocked over his glass of bloodwine from the table into the carpet floor in anger before his blood started to boil and he let out a hiss in anger.

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