The Aftertaste

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Dylan drove us back.
I wanted to be alone, but of course he would never let that happen.

" I'm getting out these cloths." I stated.
" um yeah okay. I'll make you some tea." Dylan offered.
I stated, I walked up the stairs, " no need. I'm going to bed."
Dylan stoped me in my tracks, " Sky, you should not be alone right now. I want to help you, I wanna be therefore you."

I snapped, " all your doing Dylan is making me mad and annoyed. I'm going to bed!"

I put on some sweatpants and a T-shirt.
I was ready to get in my bed, all of a sudden I got a text.

From Natalie: hey bestie! I just want to let you know, that Shawn is a really good kisser and that your lucky. Well not anymore at least;)

Shawn knew what he was doing, and he did not give a damn about me!

I threw my phone to the ground as hard as I could.

Not even a minute late, I regret it.

I notice that my phone went under my bed, when I went to go grab it I felt a box.

I pulled it out. It was labeled, ' things I'm never ever going to use' inside was my old sports trophy's and my childhood books. Also a diary from my mom.

My mom used to write in diaries all the time, so last year for my birthday, she got me one.

It was a light color blue with music notes all over it.

I never used it, until just now.

I started writing,
Dear diary,
I'm tired of people leaving me and not being honest.

When I was younger my father cheated on my mum, and she was heartbroken at the time. Around 7 months ago my mother has died. Worst thing in my life.

I don't have a lot of people, but I am thankful for all the people I do have, Dylan, Karen, Aaliyah and Manny.

Before tonight Shawn would be on the top of my list, but I don't understand why he did it, was he cheated.

I loved him and I really did, more then anybody in this whole world.

And about one hour ago, he is a person that I never want to talk or see ever again.

Cuz when I think of Shawn, I think of my dad now. They are both cheaters. I will always love Shawn, but I don't want to be with him.
                                Good bye diary.

I was trying to go to sleep when I heard yelling coming from downstairs.
I walked out of my bed room.

" don't go near her!" I heard Dylan yelling, while pushing Shawn.

Shawn just stood there, " I need to. I love her!"

Dylan punched him, " no you don't. You don't fucking love her, because if you did you would not go out of your way just to be a dick!" He said when Shawn was on the ground.

Dylan stomped up the stairs and into his room.

I could not fall asleep, I could not stop think about Dylan and Shawn.

I notice that a beam of light was coming from under Dylan's bedroom door.

I walked in their, " Can I spend some time with you?"

Dylan nodded his head and pulled the Blanket down.

I sat in this bed, " I heard what you said to Shawn." I said quietly.
He looked at me, " no one should treat girl that like, especially if that girl is you."

I laid down right next to him, " thank you."

Dylan put a blanket over me, " for what?"
I put my hand on his, " for being there for me. I know that we liked each other, but with me and Shawn you still sticked around."

Dylan sat up, " Sky I know after losing my mom that you and your friends need to stick together, and life only gets harder."

He added, " you need to stick with Shawn."
I shot up, " what! He just kissed my friend and you want me to be with him?"

Dylan said, " when I kissed you and he watched he forgave us, you. It's your turn now."

I was about to cry, " why are you telling me this?"

Dylan confirmed, " I looked at Shawn when he was a kid and now, the thing that made a drastic change in his life was you. He would never put anyone's life before your, even his own."

I thought about what he said, it all made sense and it showed that even though this was Dylan's chance to be with him, he cares about Shawns and mine relationship.

I stood up, " I should probably go to my room then."

I started walking to the door when I stopped and turned around.
" before I go, I want to do something. And I don't want to Be ashamed of it or seeing as a bad person for it."

I walked over to Dylan and gave him a kiss, " I don't know what I would do without you. I love you, and Shawn."
I went back to my room.

Author notes: if you have a chance and want to check out my other Shawn Mendes story, " Because I Had You" that would be amazing, thank you. And thanks for reading, " Tutor for Aaliyah Mendes!"

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