No, Shawn!

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It's the morning after my mom died.

I got no sleep, I'm tired and I'm disappointed.

Karen took me to her house, to sleep, and guess what I did not do.

" good morning Skylar." Said Mrs. Mendes trying to cheer me up.

I sighed.

She sat on the bed, " I'll called you in to school today, and I have to go to work, I'm sorry. I'm trying to get a hold of your dad, but it's going to take some time."

She added, " breakfast is ready, if you want some, and I asked Shawn to stay here with you for today."

I was trying not cry, " it's okay, Shawn does not need to stay here with me. He should be at school, make him go to school please!" I begged

She looked confused, " okay. I'm coming home early today, if you need anything give me a call, and again I'm very sorry."

She left my room and I buried my head in the pillows.

" Sky, may I come in." Shawn said. I thought he was at school.

I wiped away my tears before he came in, " yeah." I chocked.

He stood against my wall, " are you okay?"

I looked at him, and I could not stop looking, and I did not want to say anything.

After a while, " shouldn't you be at school by now?" I asked Shawn.

He put his hands into his jean pockets, " late start."

He came and sat down next to me, " I'm so sorry Sky. Your mom was a nice person."

I did not want anyone to talk about my mom today, but I guess wishes are for little kids.

I whispered, " yeah."

He put his hand on mine, " Sky don't let this ruin your life. You have so much going for you, and you know what's it like when you lose someone. You just can't stop living when you do."

I broke into tears, " when I lost my dad at least I knew he was alive and living the life he wanted with his other family. My mom is dead and she's never coming home!"

Shawn stuttered, " I- I'm really s-"

" Shawn just go to school!" I demand.

When he left I cried even harder.

For the whole day until Karen came home with Aaliyah I stayed in my room crying and spacing out.

Mrs. Mendes tried seeing me a couple of times, but I was spacing out and living in my own world, so I never answered her.

She came into my room, " Sky? Sorry to walk in, but dinner is ready."
It felt like the day stopped, but it was already 7 at night.

" I'm, I'm not hungry." I said.

Karen walked over and gave me a hug, " Skylar I can't image how hard this is for you, but just think, Audrey was a awesome friend, a pretty women and a wonderful mom. She would want you to be happy."

After moments of silence, " you need to eat something, this is not healthy for you. I'll bring you up a small bowl of soup."

She went down stairs and minutes later she came back with soup.

I felt bad because I let it go to waste on my bed side table.

After dinner I heard Shawn knocking on my door.

" Hey Sky. Listen I'm really sorry for what I said to you today." Shawn apologize.

I looked him into his big brown eyes, " Shawn your right, but I need some time." I bit my lip so hard I could taste blood.

" I know. And don't forget that we are all here for you." He said softly.

I was breathing heavily, " I know. You guys keep seeing if I'm okay every hour."

Before Shawn left my room he said, " you can't be alone right now, trust me."

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