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Before we left for school Karen walk up to me and pulled me into their family room, " I want you to know that I'm not mad at you, I'm upset that Shawn did not tell me last night."
I explained, " I'm really am sorry. I got locked out of my house and I had to do a huge paper, so Shawn invited me over to do it and he was really tired since I was keeping him up and that's why he did not."
She nodded, " that's fine, but please next time don't sleep in his bed."
I laughed, " I don't think there will be a next time."
She rubbed her hands, " I'm not so sure about that. Anyways when you come to hang out here with Aaliyah may I have 5 mins of your time?"
I smiled, " sure."
She added, " well thank you for talking with me, but I think you should get back into the kitchen, Shawn made you breakfast."

I smiled and walked away. I sat right next to Shawn, " hey Shawn. Thanks for making waffles."
He smiled, " anytime"
After eating we decided we should leave for school. The entire way to school we were jamming out to all kinds of music.

We got to school and before I got out Shawn said, " Sky I did not know you could sing."
I smiled, " Mendes I did not know you could hit high notes."
I closed the door to his car and went to class. The morning went pretty good and the classes went by kinda quick since everyone was talking and not paying attention.
Finally it was lunch! While I was eating my apple Shawn came up to me, " dude! Have you heard about how Alex is throwing a party by this lake house tomorrow?" (Friday)
" no and it's the middle of winter Shawn."
He laughed, " I know that but instead of swimming and having water ballon fights we are going to go ice skating and sledding, and the best part is it from Friday night to Sunday afternoon!"
I rolled my eyes, " are you going to go?"
" yeah! I mean I really want to my parents know Alex and it's only in Ottawa which is not that far from Toronto. Are you going?"
" I don't know Lake parties aren't my thing and I have to babysit Aaliyah anyways."
The bell rang. Before either of us walked away Shawn said, " I really want you to come Sky."
That made me smile! Everyone went to class.
I did my normal after school routine: picked up Aaliyah helped her do homework at my house then go to Shawn's and I wait for their parents to get home.

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