The lacrosse shirt

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I woke up with the sun light shining on me. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I saw a lacrosse stick along the door with a black backpack and cloths on the floor.

I started freaking out. I slammed my hand to my head.
I saw Dylan coming in With a shirt  with shorts on and his hair wet.
He smirked, " oh sorry"
My mouth was opening, " oh no it's fine." What do I do?
I rubbed my eyes, "was I really bad last night."

Dylan said, " well the caption of the football tried hitting on you, then you drank too much and u were dancing and grinding on the pool table then you threw up all over your cloths."

And that's when I notice I was wearing a large, dark blue lacrosse t-shirt with no pants on.

I did not know what to say, " did I steal the covers?"
Dylan gave me the cute but weird look, " Sky, I slept down stairs. I tried getting you to your bed with some fresh cloths on, but the door was locked, so I gave you one of my shirts."

I was speech less, " oh!"
I jumped out of bed and again realized I just had on a tshirt and underwear on.

I hit behind the curtains. There were black shorts about 5 feet away.
" Dylan can you hand me the shorts?"
He smiled and shook his head.
" Dylan!" I pleaded.
He laughed.

We both went to go reach for the then and I tripped on my self and landed on Dylan.

We rolled around on the floor laughing and arguing,
" Dylan your on my arm." I said trying to pull it out.
He laughed, " I'm not trying to."
I finally realized that Dylan was on top of me!

I got up, put on the shorts and headed for the door.
" I should be leaving now." I stuttered.
I ran out of there.....
Bumping into Shawn!

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