A Day Together

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Skylar's POV
I woke up on the couch and looked at my phone, it's says 6:45. I go and get my backpack from the guest bedroom. ( right next to Aaliyah's)

I got a fresh new pair of cloths, got dressed in a gray " Nike" sweatshirt with some black leggings. I washed my face and did my business.
I went downstairs to make some breakfast. I made some eggs, bacon and cut up some strawberries. After that was down and on the table I went to wake up Aaliyah.

After she was awake, she rushed down stairs. I went to go follow her, but a light caught my attention. It was coming from Shawn's room.

I opened the door ajar and looked inside. I saw a blaring figure on his bed. I walked over to it and touched it. Both Shawn and I jumped.
" Shawn! What are you doing here? I though you were at the party."
" it was boring, so I went home and I got here late last night."
" oh.. okay well I made some breakfast."
He got up from his bed moved closer to me and laughed, " you sound like my mum."
While I was walking out of his room I said, " shut up Mendes."

When I got downstairs I help Aaliyah dish out her fruit and eggs. 2 mins later Shawn came down and grabbed some.
After everyone ate I told Aaliyah to go get dressed while I was cleaning the kitchen. While I was doing the dishes Shawn came down and started to work on the counters for me.

When Shawn and I were about to finish Aaliyah came running down stairs to me, " Sky. Sky let's do something fun!"
I explained, " okay, but in a little bit we have to run some errors." She nodded, grabbed my hand and ran upstairs.

She was jumping on her bed making funny videos. I was watching her until I phone rang.
" hello?"
" hey Skylar it's Karen. May I talk to Aaliyah?"
" sure, but Shawn came home a little early, he's here right now too."
" great may I talk to him too?"
" yes. Here's Aaliyah."
I gave Aaliyah the phone and she started to talk away. 10 mins later she was done, so I ran downstairs and gave Shawn the phone.

We were at Aaliyah's desk drawing when Shawn walked in, " hey Sky, here's your phone." I smiled and he went back down stairs.

A couple hours later I asked Aaliyah if she would go to the grocery store with me? She said, " yes." I told Shawn where we were going, and she put on her coat, shoe and then we left.

We finally got home with 3 grocery bags. Shawn came down to help put it away while Aaliyah was busy watching YouTube.
" wow Skylar! You got everything health."
I looked at Shawn, " stop being sarcastic Shawn!"
He laughed, " I'm not! You got bread, milk, turkey ( for sandwiches), eggs, bananas, green pepper, rice, chicken, frozen corn and green beans and granola."
I bit my lip, " yeah... can you just help me put it away?"
He laughed, " yeah okay." He started to put the vegetables away.

After putting the food away, I made Aaliyah lunch ( a turkey sandwich with lays chips) Shawn made himself a sandwich as well and I had a salad.

After lunch Shawn went to his room, and Aaliyah wanted to show me a computer game.

Around 5 Aaliyah was dancing around to music while I was cooking chicken, rice and green beans for dinner.

Close to dinner time, Aaliyah set the table, and Shawn came down. While I was taking the rice off the burner the oven went off.

Shawn came down and I asked, " hey Shawn, can you take the chicken out of the oven?"
He nodded and he pulled it out.

I called Aaliyah over and we started to eat.

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