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                                                                               Skylar's POV

( it's Friday afternnon and i'm picking up Aaliyah after school)

I am waiting for her to get out of school. As soon as She sees me she bolts over to me and yells, " Hey!" I say,  " Hi Aaliyah! I was wondering if you want to go get a muffin for tonight?" While we were walking to the place she asks me, why she has to wait for tonight to eat it. I explain to that she needs to eat dinner first. 

We got 3 muffins and went to my house. Since Aaliyah has no homework we were listening to music and having a dance party. After that she was bored so we were having a tea party ( after 2 hours of doing both of those things the time was 6:15) I asked Aaliyah if she knows what shes wants to do tonight? Shes shakes her head. Then I get a text from Karen, 

Karen: " Skylar Manny and I are home right now and we are leaving in about 40 min so if you and Aaliyah want to come over."

Me: " okay! will be over in 10 mins."

Aaliyah but on her coat, she grabbed her backpack and we left. When we got to the Mendes house I saw Karen. She looked very busy and she was almost done with dinner but she was not ready for her plans tonight, so I said, " Mrs. Mendes please go get ready for the dinner tonight. I will put the tomato sauce on the pasta and I will set the table. She thanked me and ran upstairs to get ready

While I was cooking the pasta and handeling the sauce I asked Aaliyah if she could set the table? She said yes and got out all the forks,plates and cups. When I was trying to cook both the sauce and pasta at the same time Shawn came done stairs and asked if he could help with anything? I took up his offer and he cooked the sauce.

Right when we were about to sit down for dinner Mr and Mrs. Mendes came down and got on their coats and kissed both Shawn and Aaliyah good bye. After they left we continued with dinner. Shawn went into the living room and he was on his phone. While I was cleaning up the kitchen/ dishes Aaliyah was coloring on the kitchen table. After I was done cleaning Aaliyah wanted me to get out the muffins that we brought earlier today.

As soon As Aaliyah said, " muffins" that caught Shawn's attention. He ran over to us and asked, " what muffins" I laughed and got the bag that had the muffins. I gave Aaliyah and Shawn a plate then gave them both a muffin. After eating Shawn went up to his room, so Aaliyah and I went up to her room and played computer games. 

When Aaliyah was playing computer games I got cold so I went to Shawn's room to ask him for a sweatshirt. While I was walking to his room I heard him playing the guitar ( it sounded amazing) I knocked on the door and he yelled, " come in!" I replied, " Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you had a sweatshirt I could borrow?" He walked over to his closet and he pulled out his, " cross fit" hoodie, and handed it at me.  I said, " thanks" and went back to Aaliyah's room.

When I got back to her room She already logged out and asked if we could make some cookies? I said, " yes." She bolted down stairs and I followed her. I heated up the oven and she got all the cooking food out and she started to mix it.

 Around 8:00 Shawn came down and said, " that he was just going to be in the back yard with 3 friends" I said, "ok" and Aaliyah and I put the cookies in the oven. While we were waiting for the cookies to be done we went into the family room to watch TV ( Wizards of Waverly Place) 

After 20 min the chocolate cookies were done! Aaliyah helped me put the cookies on a plate and cover them up so they would not dry up. After we put the cookies away we went back to their family room to finish the episode. 

At 8:20pm the show ended and Aaliyah had to go take a shower so she went upstairs to do so and I sat downstairs on my phone. Around 8:30 Shawn came inside and said that his friends left. Before he was about to run upstairs he stop, turned to me and asked, " hey Skylar can I have your number?" I laughed and asked, " what for?" He said, " you know for Aaliyah." Then Aaliyah Shouted, " Sky can you come braid my hair!" Right before I went to go run up the stairs, I pasted Shawn and said, " don't worry Shawn. Both your parents and Aaliyah has my number." I ran up to Aaliyah's room.

When I walked into her room and she was already sitting on her bed with hair ties and a brush. Then she asked him if I could do french braids? I started to french braid her hair. Around 8:50 I told her it was time for bed so I tucked her in and put on her night light. When I was about to leave her room she yelled, " Skylar!" I asked her, " what's wrong?" She asked me to stay in there with her. I sat at her desk and watched her fall asleep

I stayed in her room until 9:45 to make sure she was okay. I tipped  toed out of her room. I walked straight to Shawn's room and asked, " he wanted to study?" He put down his phone, got out his science text books and we sat right next to each other on his bed. After studying for a hour and a half he told me he was going to get some water and asked if I wanted some? I said, " thanks but i'm good"

After that tiny water break we got back to studying. We study for 30-45 mins. When we finally got tried and he was getting ready for bed, so I went downstairs to go on my phone and to wait for their parents. Around 12:30 they got back and told me instead of walking home in the middle of the dark to sleep here tonight. Without refusing I fell asleep.

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