He's the Opposite of Shawn

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Dallas and I talked a lot. He made me smile, he made me happy, we had so many things in common that we could talk all night.

" Sky, what do you do for fun?"
" I babysit and tutor one my neighbors. She's the sweetest. How about you?"
Dallas smiled, " I do sports. I used to play ice hockey and soccer. I heard that tryouts for the basket ball team are this Thursday."
" are you going tryout?"
His smile grew even bigger, " yeah, and I think you should be a cheerleader, so we can cheer each other on."
I burst out laughing, " no way. If I would, I would come and support you on Thursday I would, but I have to babysit and I would never become a cheerleader."
He put his hands on the table, " fair enough, but would you please come on Thursday?"
I bit my lip, " I'll think about it."
Dallas and I started to talk about our classes and other hobbies we have.

The bell rang, and Dallas and I started to head off for Social Studies. When we had a couple mins before class ended, I went to the bathroom.

When I came back I saw Shawn and Dallas talking. Oh no!

The bell rang, and went to my locker. Right before I went to close it, someone else did it for me.

" hey Sky, you need a ride?" Shawn asked politely.
I rolled my eyes, " Shawn, you know my after school schedule. I pick up Aaliyah and then we walk home."
He ran his hands through his hair, " I know, but I want to be nice, and today you can come straight to my house."
I threw my backpack over my shoulder, " yeah, okay." Shawn and I went to go to Aaliyah's school, then we went back to the high school's parking lot, and Shawn drove to his house.

Aaliyah was really jumpy, " you know that mom and dad come home today!"
I chuckled, " yes. They said they will be home around 6. You wanna help me make dinner for them?"
Aaliyah bopped her head up and down.
Shawn who was sitting on the couch, " what are you making?"
I screamed back, " chicken and a salad." Shawn got up and started to make his way to the kitchen, " I'll help." Shawn cleaned off the chicken, Aaliyah started to set the table and I started to make the salad.

The dinner got ready about 30 mins before they were supposed to be here, so I put the chicken back in the oven, and we just chilled.

All of a sudden Shawn asked Aaliyah to go grabbed a sweatshirt for him. She argued, " Shawn! It's warm in here."
Shawn narrowed his eyes at her, " Aaliyah please." She rolled her eyes and went up stairs.

As soon as Aaliyah got up stairs, Shawn raced over to the kitchen counter, which I was leaning against.
" Sky! You need to stay away from Dallas!"
I was confused, since that came out of nowhere, " Shawn what are you taking about?"
" he's bad news."
" and how do you know?"
" he's really nice, maybe a little too nice."
I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, " you should take lessons from him."
Before I took more then 2 steps away from him, Shawn pulled me into his chest, " please, promise me you won't spend time with him."

Before I could say anything, the front door slammed open, " we're home!" His Mum and dad came through the door. They saw us and had a puzzle sign on there faces.

I pulled away just in time before Aaliyah saw us too. Aaliyah ran up to her mom and dad and gave them a big hug, and Shawn did the same.

After everyone got there hellos in, I told everyone that dinner was ready and we ate.

After dinner Karen pulled me to the side and gave me a water bottle, here Sky, I got you something from France." It was a huge, blue and purple water bottle that said " Paris" on the side.

I thanked her, before she could way away I said, " wait. I heard that basket ball tryouts are this Thursday, and a friend wants me to go and watch him tryout. I can I get Thursday off, and I will be here for Aaliyah on Friday."
She laughed, " Skylar, you help me so much with Aaliyah, of course you can have Thursday off. Also Shawn was talking to me about that, he's trying out to."
She added, " I want go spend some time with Aaliyah on Friday. You can have both Friday and Thursday off." I thanked her and I told her I needed to head home.

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