Lets Do This.

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* 4 weeks later*

The sun was shining through my blinds. I rubbed my eyes and went to the bathroom.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on jeans and a t-shirt.

I walked down stairs.
" good morning sweetheart." Karen said while handing me a bowl.

" hi." I said softly

Karen came and gave me a hug, " Sky, I get if you need another day for yourself with out any distractions or school."

I bit my lip, " Karen it's been over a month since my mom...anyways she would want me to get good grades."

She rubbed my back, " I know, and she would be proud of you."

I had tears coming down my cheek.

" hey Sky, ready to go to school?" Shawn asked nicely.

I nodded my head.

When I walked into the school everyone was looking at me, and every teacher said something to me.

I hate being the center of attention!

After lunch my social studies teacher kept saying stuff to about my mom. He knew her, they were distant friends.

I could not take it anymore. I went to the bathroom.

I was crying in the girls bathroom until I heard a voice.

" Sky? You in there?" The voiced asked.
I knew exactly who it was. I did not respond.
He knocked on the wall, " Skylar, I know your in there. Come out since I can't go into the girls bathroom." Shawn laughed.

I walked out slowly, " everyone keeps saying something to me about my mom." I cried out, " I can't take it anymore Shawn!"

He pulled me in for a hug, " shhh, it's going to be alright. Do you want me to take you home?"

I was in his arms, " no. Shawn you have class, and I have missed too much of school. I'm okay. I can keep it together until 3:30." I said.

He kissed me on the check. It was sweet, soft and nice.
" I know you can Sky." He whispered.
Then he walked me to class.

After school, we picked up Aaliyah and Shawn and I did homework together until his parents got home, then we ate and I did home work until 1 am, then finally fell asleep on the couch.

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