The Goddess of Life

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Chihiro P.O.V

When they arrive at the temple the sun was dipping under the horizon turning day into night. She makes her way behind them trying not to trip in the new pair of Zori sandals and a simple yet elegant pure white kimono the maids have dressed her in, however it was kinda hard when the guardian known as Lyle kept yanking the robe that bound her hands towards him. She huffs in annoyance at the guy causing him to peek at her and give her a sly smile, suddenly their leader known as Baron speaks up.

"From what I understand this is where you captured the human Shinkai?" he asks the confusing guardian to her left, she was still baffled by his sudden change in heart about her, it was too weird to be hunted down, taken and then have her captor try to befriend her.

"Yes sir, I was able to distract her mate whilst she made her way to the top floor, that is where I caught her" Shinkai explained honestly.

Baron nodded solemnly "and you really believe that this human has already caught the goddesses interest?"

Shinkai nods in response " yes I do, I was unsure if I should take her at first, but orders are orders, the temple is only two stories high, yet the human took two hours to make her way up to the top of the stairs, and when she finally did she was exhausted...that is not normal, something must have happened".

Suddenly their leader turned to her as he opened the front door to the temple, and to her surprise it was immaculate, not a single crack or dint in the walls, suddenly she realised that their leader was speaking to her "Human, is what Guardian Shinkai says true?" he asks slight annoyance tainting his polite manner.

"Oh um yes sir...It was quite strange, I had walked and walked but it felt like I was going nowhere for quite a while" she explains to the head Guardian.

The guardian frowns at her as if he was deep in thought "and you made it to the top?" he asks and she just nods in response as the walked through the large room where she last saw Haku.

She couldn't help but worry about him, she couldn't contact him no matter how hard she tried, the connection was there yet remained void, she would give anything to hear his voice again, to see with her own eyes that he was okay. Suddenly she was nudged gently by Shinkai to continue forward as she finally realizes that the door she escaped the fight through, she makes her way in trailing behind all the guardians, most of them mostly remained silent not speaking a word or paying her any mind, except for Baron and Shinkai. She looks up at the familiar set of spiralling stairs that surrounded the large golden statue of the goddess, who looked elegant and regal.

This time around it was a lot easier to walk up the stairs, and she was now positive in Shinkai's words from before, something really did happen. Could the goddess really already be aware of her? Was she trying to trick her? or was it some kind of test? Suddenly Judas' words were in her head 'Only the pure of heart and soul can see the goddess'.They finally make their way up the spiralling stairs to the top floor, she couldn't really remember this part of the temple...

 'No thanks to a certain someone...' she thinks, giving Shikai a dead-panned stare, which to her amusement made the guardian uncomfortable.

 She sighs and then finally takes a good look around the room, on the far wall was what looked to be an olden day shrine, it was mostly made of gold and had at least thousands of candles around it unlit, however there was an incense burning making the floor smell like fresh lavender and vanilla, it was quite the delicious aroma. 

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ