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Chihiro P.O.V

It has been 3 days since Chihiro has seen or heard from Haku and even though Lin has constantly told her that it wasn't her fault she just still can't help feeling that if she didn't kiss him they wouldn't be in this mess, they wouldn't be avoiding each other like the plague. Business has been booming for the past 2 days which was music to Chihiro's ears because it meant she was very busy, this means a lot of distractions to keep her mind off Haku and her semi-broken heart. Well, she didn't know if it was broken exactly but she was definitely confused and saddened by his reaction, he didn't reject the kiss which gave her a little hope to cling to, but then she remembers his reaction of sheer horror afterwards she doesn't know what to think or to expect anymore.

Chihiro was on her break with Lin and Shigeru who is now healthy enough to be up and about and has barely left her side since she visited him, unfortunately, it was a short visit so they couldn't  really talk much because she had to get back to work. He might as well have been stuck to her with glue as he has been following along behind her or beside her constantly, whilst she does chores, whilst she cleans, he watches her from afar whilst she assists customers in the baths, when she does the washing...he even sneaks in her room at night and curls up in a miniature fox form so he didn't take up too much room using his original size. The only time she was able to have for just herself was the bathroom to take a bath and her dreams, he seems to idolize her and she has no idea why since she was just a human, yes she saved his life and yes he is a very adorable kid, but she was starting to get annoyed with him. They looked out at the sea eating some curry buns before they needed to head back to work, Chihiro glances to the side to look at the little fox curiously as Lin gets up finishing her lunch first.

"Don't be too long you dope, we have the big tub to do soon. Guess I 'll see you down there" Lin says as she waves a hand as she leaves, now it was just Chihiro and Shigeru together.

'Why doesn't he go back home? Why stay here and follow me around? He has barely told us much of anything and he still isn't ready to go into detail about what happened to him, I just don't understand what is keeping him here' she thinks to herself as she starts eating her second curry bun. Suddenly Shigeru turns and notices her looking at him and smiles at her ' cute!' she thinks to herself as he speaks up and looking up at her with big curious golden eyes his white messy hair falling across his face.

 "What's up Chi? Did I spill some curry on my face?" he says a bit confused.

Chihiro giggles "No don't worry you didn't spill anything, I'm just glad that you are feeling much better now, even your fur in your fox form is growing back, do all fox spirits heal this fast? Oh, and by the way you totally need a haircut" she asks trying to improvise an excuse for staring at him like a weirdo.

Shigeru chuckles "all spirits can heal quickly because well we don't actually have the physical human body like you do, it's only when we get polluted too much for our magic and spiritual energy to handle is when we have trouble. Kind of like what happened to me... and as for the haircut maybe ill let Chi cut it for me..." he explains his voice trailing off as he looks sadly at the sea.

"You know Shigeru, I know you're not ready to tell us your story yet but please just remember that I am here for you, and in my opinion I think it would do you good  to talk about it, maybe we can help you.." Chihiro explains to the sad little fox earnestly.

Shigeru sighs and then looks up at her and smiles a sad yet sweet smile which pulled at her heartstrings almost as strongly as Haku did in the elevator "I know, thank you, Chi...I can tell there is something that's been weighing on your mind too, you have seemed so down lately, so I wanted to stay by you to make sure you're okay, its the least I can do to my saviour" he explains as he leans against her side tiredly.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now