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Shigeru P.O.V

Shigeru looks into the fire blankly trying to distract himself from the smell of radishes that the Radish spirit was cooking in the kitchen which absolutely revolted him. He understands that Chihiro knows him and trusts him but come on...he is pretty creepy. His eyes wander to the big spirit cautiously watching him as the spirit takes a bite of a raw radish, Shigeru shivers at the crunch.

'Does that count as cannibalism??' he thinks of himself, feeling sick to the stomach, he didn't trust this guy at all...he understands why they left him here, he knows what kind of state he was in at the time and they were just looking out for him, he knows he would have just slowed them down...he was a mess and in shock, but why did they have to leave him with this guy...Shigeru sneers to himself.

He had enough of this place, besides he was already feeling a lot better, it had been a day or so since they left, and surprisingly he got over it in 6 hours...well not over it, but at least he isn't in that numb state anymore. However, he knows he isn't out of the woods yet, he hasn't eaten for a very long time, and all the sorrow he had has turned into anger, he was emotionally unstable... that mixed with hunger is a dangerous combo.

'Perhaps a hunt would do me good, might help take the edge off' he thinks to himself as his stomach growls 'besides as if id let that spirit feed me that tripe...' his stomach growls again so he gets up and stomps out the door shifting into his fox form then makes a run for the closest forest.

Normally it would be polite to ask to hunt in someone else's land before actually doing so but he didn't actually care as if he would care about what everyone thought of him. Suddenly, Chihiro's face popped into his head and he slows down and stops running deep in thought, well...almost everyone...he couldn't help but miss his human friend...he wasn't good at making friends or caring much about others but for some reason with her it was different, he has grown quite fond of the human, he finally found a true friend since Kisha died.

Suddenly a rustle from some bushes catches his attention, and feeling his stomach growl he shakes off his thoughts of Chihiro to hone in on his hunting instincts, his eyes focused and his mind emptied so he could sense and hear better. He focuses on the bush the sound came from hearing the pitter-patter sound of feet on the ground and the next thing he knew a rabbit jumped out at him and he immediately reacted sidestepping a little then plunges his teeth into the rabbit's neck, late lunch was caught.

'Finally a decent meal, better get out of here before the spirit of this forest comes to hunt me down' he thinks to himself and then runs out of the forest with his catch still caught in his mouth.

He ran and ran until finally, he found a cliff, the fox then slumped his large body and takes in the scenery below but it wasn't what he expected or was sure he was ready to see again. Down below was his dead was far in the distance but with his keen eyes he could see the outline clearly. His heart felt like it was about to shatter again, all the hard work he put into recovering would have then been for nothing, he looks down at his catch losing his appetite, but forces himself to eat it anyway because he knew his body needed food, as he ate tears start trickling from his eyes and into his thick fur, some droplets dropping on the dead rabbit below.

He tried thinking of other things to distract him, like if Chihiro was okay and if they were able to speak to his grandmother, surely they must be there by now, he forgot to mention to them that his granny was kind of a big deal, he honestly doesn't know how she would react to Chihiro, however, he also knows that she always repays people she is indebted to and because Chihiro saved his life she would at least hear them out....well at least he hopes she would.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя