Nighttime Discoveries

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As the sun dipped lower onto the horizon, a fun day of hiking was about to come to an end, she had promised her dragon 24 hours and then they could start flying again. As for her she wished she could hike for longer, it was everything that she had hoped, she saw so many exotic and unique plants and creatures, even some spirits came around and gave them curious glances from afar too wary of her protective dragon. Were other spirits really that intimidated by Haku?? I mean, seriously, his psyche didn't exactly shout out 'dangerous predator here, come closer if you want your arm ripped off'. 

No, he was gentle, calm and wise despite his young age, even though to her he might as well be ancient...prehaps they sense something that she as a human cant? She sighs, there is still so much to learn about this place.There was only one spirit that dared to approach the closest, a young boar spirit, he was a cute little thing he was, however unlike how Shigeru was, the boar spirit was rather dirty, his bare feet covered in mud, his little black beady eyes and didn't seem to like her very much, or at least didn't trust her very much...not that she blames him really.

Breaking out of her thoughts she realized that it was starting to get quite dark and a tad chilly, squeezing her dragons hand she looks up to see that he was looking down at her with a soft smile on his face.

"What were you thinking about? was hiking through the forest what you thought it would be?" he asked gently yet slightly amused "I for one must admit I quite enjoyed myself"

She snorts at his statement "you only liked that my reactions were a source of amusement to you dragon" she sneers at him a tad annoyed. It was true, Haku had quite the look on his face whenever she discovered something, whether it amused her, scared her or completely captivated her, it seemed that everything she did amused him to no end. He might be quite informed of his world and things that she found amazing seemed pretty simple and normal in his eyes but how did he expect her to react, she was a human in an unknown part of the spirit world for christ sake.

"Oh my...what an attitude you have there, has the big bad human come out to play?" he jokingly mocks.

She scowls "one more word from you and she will be out playing hardball, and knowing you-you probably don't know what that human phrase means" she snorts " so I'll just leave you to your own devises and imagination and see where that gets you, tsk, stupid annoying dragon" she growls stalking up ahead.

Haku chuckles behind her, and she rolls her eyes, she has put up with his teasing and mockery all day...Had he forgotten her true nature? He is lucky that she absolutely adores him if he were a stranger she would have slogged him in the face at least three times today. She remembered slogging one guy in school in the face for pestering her to go out with him all the time, turned out he liked it and she ended up getting a rather pathetic male Fanclub, hence how she was named the ice queen, eventually even the girls in school started to hate her, all except one...Rumi. People also thought she was heartless and weird, they thought she thought she was too good for anyone with how many guys she turned down and broke.

Suddenly Haku's voice interrupted her reminiscing "Chihiro, are you okay? I was thinking we should rest here..." he says squeezing her hand.

She looks around and realizes that they were at a gorgeous river, a waterfall to their left, it was beautiful, she turns and gives him a bright smile "okay, lets set up camp" she says kissing him on the cheek and then taking one of the many bags he was carrying, she almost feels bad for being a bit of a bitch to him, he truly was every inch the gentleman despite his annoying sense of humor. However, she liked spending time with him overall, she was able to learn more about him now that they had time alone together.

She puts the bag down on the ground and then he did the same,  starts taking out the food and then looks down at her and smiles "So what do you feel like eating tonight love? fish or meat?" he asks giving her her favourite crooked smile.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now