The Bonding

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"This is me Chihiro..."

She looks at his river, it was quaint and beautiful, however, it had a masculine feel, probably because she knows its male, hence the handsome dragon next to her, if she never stumbled upon the spirit world like she did all those years ago she never would have guessed that nature was genderised. After taking in his river she looks back up at him then squeezes him tightly before speaking up.

"To think that rivers can be so handsome, I never would have guessed until I met you..." she says nuzzling into his neck.

He looks down at her surprised at first then suddenly he beams a radiant smile as a faint blush tinges his cheeks his only sign of shyness "you think I'm handsome? You think this is attractive?" he says gesturing to his river once more, he looks at her ecstatic and something else that she recognized...heat.

"In an odd way...very" she whispers to him in his ear and then kisses his cheek "so as you probably already know I spoke to your river, or should i say you, in all honesty I am confused as first I was like okay...a river is talking to me and it sounds just like you... I didn't know what to think to be honest, it or I mean you said that the you I'm talking to wasn't the you I am talking to now...and then I was like then wait....that makes it feel like I'm talking to two different people yet at the same time I should know its not.." suddenly Haku's lips kissed her passionately, pulling her closer to him, she was shocked at the interruption yet slowly she melted into it letting him unravel any confusion she might have had.

Slowly he makes his way down to her neck kissing her flesh tenderly then makes a trail of kisses back up to her mouth ravishing her tongue with his, as his hands gently roamed her back sending tingles through her as he lays her down on the rock again ravishing her. After a full 5 minute makeout session they finally part breathing raggedly, the heat was still in his eyes but she knew he was forcing himself to stop.

She giggles "Oh my...I should compliment you like that more often...." she says trying to catch her breathe giving him her best flirty smile.

Suddenly Haku purrs softly as he takes her in by trailing a finger up and down her hip gently, he then kisses her forehead and smiles "I'm so happy... I was worried and been a bit self-conscious about it... I was worried what you would think...but I'm so glad to see that you are surprisingly taking it quite well...i understand that its a lot to take in, and confusing, I guess, just like my river said, just treat us the same I guess, like this we may seem like two separate beings, but we are not, our minds are when you were talking to that part of me you might as well have been talking to me as you are now... when im here, I can be myself, which may sem alot less human than you are used to, since your quite used to my human form" he explains.

She giggles and sits up, they were sitting on the same rock she was sunbaking on earlier "Nigihaymai Kohaku Nushi... I do believe I know who and what I have fallen in love with, I have always been well aware that you are not don't worry, have I ever treated you differently in your dragon form Haku?" he silently shakes his head and she continues "exactly, so why would I freak out and not accept this form of you? you can be as inhuman as you want and I would still love you all the same, you silly dragon...if anything I'm more fascinated by your inhuman qualities than anything, you intrigue me, its one of your many charms" she says winking at him making him smile chuckle and then he sighs,

"How did I get so lucky..." he says but it sounded like it was more to himself than to her, she blushes at his little comment. 

Suddenly Haku gets up off the rock and offers her his hand, she smiles as she accepts it and as he helps her down, and his face was just like earlier this morning, filled with excitement, she wasn't as used to this side of him, he was usually so calm and collected, sure she saw it on occasion but it was usually only temporary.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now