Two Hearts Yearning to Reunite

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Haku P.O.V

On his way back to his river which to his delight, was freed from whatever was blocking him off from his connection and home 3 years ago, he was flying through the air in his dragon form which was a bit longer and larger now. Although spirits do not have to age in their human forms, they do in their alternative forms to an extent depending on their spirit forms, and since Haku was a dragon he can keep growing larger in his dragon form until he chooses to stop. He was planning to make a quick stop at Zeniba's in order to check up on Chihiro.

Ever since Chihiro went back to the human world with her parents 7 years ago Zeniba has been watching over her through the hairband she gave her before she left the spirit world...and left him...this saddened Haku to no end but he knew it was for the best. He cared a great deal for that human ever since she fell into his river all those years ago, leaving behind a little pink shoe that is still at the bottom of his river. He kept it as a memento, something to remind him of her.

'I wonder how she is doing over there in the human world, I hope she is alright' he thinks to himself a bit worried as he is almost at Zeniba's he was able to see her little cottage in the distance. For some reason for the past 5 or so years they haven't been able to connect to Chihiro to check on her at all, Zeniba just says that the only thing she sees was darkness as if the hairband was trapped inside something, meaning Chihiro must have stopped wearing it.

'She must have forgotten everything, that is what usually happens when humans who visit here go back home...' feeling disheartened by this he began to miss her dearly, not denying the strong bond he has to that human, what kind of bond? He didn't know but it was strong enough to make his heartache.

Haku finally reaches Zeniba's cottage and after he landed he changed into his human form which was that of a 19-year-old, he chose this age thinking that Chihiro was probably around a similar age to this. The only thing that really changed about him was his height in this form which was roughly around 5'8 to 5'9, his hair remained the same as always still short with his usual bob hairstyle though he guesses he can count his muscles as a change which was now more prominent due to his age but more on the lean side because of his lanky figure.

Haku makes his way to Zeniba's cottage door and knocks which was soon answered by No-face who has stayed with Zeniba since after the incident he caused back at the bathhouse 7 years ago.

"Ah...Ah..." No-face says as he motioned for Haku to come in, suddenly he could hear Zeniba's voice coming from a different room.

"Ahh...hello Haku I have been expecting you and I know why you are here, this is about Chihiro again...honestly Haku you are such a stubborn dragon it has been years since we were able to reach her, how have you not given up yet? Face it Haku, she has moved on". Zeniba says not giving him any room to speak until she was done, she walked into the room looking at him in exhaustion.

Haku looked at the witch "I haven't given up because I refuse to" he retorts as he watches as Zeniba sighs and brings out her crystal ball which she uses to look through in order to see Chihiro.

"Very well I'll do it, but this is the last time do you hear me Haku?" she orders him but Haku just nods as he watches Zeniba focus her magical energy within the crystal ball and then out of nowhere Zeniba gasps in surprise and almost fully falls off her chair.

Haku rushes over to help Zeniba sit back up in her chair as she stares blankly in shock "Zeniba whats wrong?! Did you see her!? Is she alright?!" Haku asked worried and he watched as Zeniba turned her head towards his.. "well??" he added.

"How can this be..??" Zeniba says to herself,

"How can what be Zeniba?" Haku asks despite her talking to herself.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now