Series 2: Haku's Final Decision

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They walk out of the Owl spirits forest, walk over Kyojins river and back to their mini campfire next to Haku's pile of fish just off the bank on the other side. Haku seemed to be torn over what the ancient spirit said, she could tell he was struggling to come to terms with what she explained, she told us where we could find the spirit that used to be human. However, she also explained what awaited them if they decided to go in search of him, which had the shocked yet happy Haku she once noticed back there mood plummet down causing him to tense up. She, however, was ecstatic that it was possible she could become a spirit and that Haku and she could be together. They sat there a deafening silence filled the air as they recalled what the ancient owl had said...


"His human name was Jin Makoto, but now he is a tengu demon, the demon spirit of the Hirahashi Mountains, his spirit name known as Jirobo. Do not threat, not all Tengu's are known to be evil, which he isnt...however no one has seen him for many millennia. Jirobo has reclused himself to his mountain, he is not the social type, however, he is indeed a respectful one he will not harm you unless threatened, I have only met him once and I remember how to get there will not be easy especially for a human such as you Chihiro...He has hidden himself in a cave inside the mountain itself and the only way to get there is through demon territory."

"Yes, it will help greatly that you have the ability to fly, however, you cannot reach him by flying, the only way to reach him is through the Great Canyon which is also known as the canyon of lost souls. Those who enter almost never come out...the canyon is heavily demon populated, and very few will not harm you, most of them will get territorial and try to claim your human soul, you are indeed lucky that your dragon mate is powerful and strong, however he isn't the strongest, just remember human your precious dragon is not invincible...however I suspect he should be able to handle most of them...however there are three that you both should watch out for... "

"One is a mist demon, it is known as the canyon of lost souls for a reason...he isn't a violent one, however, he isn't kind either...his methods are different from the other demons, he is slightly more intellectual, he guards the access to the cave which you will need to enter in order to seek Jirobo and will only be one of two challenges you will face. Those who separate and lose themselves in his mist never come out again, he casts illusions within the smoke and, they slowly lose their minds until they break wishing to die...he uses this tactic because he cannot take unless consented, he will approach and offer them what they want, alas, of course, taking their soul. You must find the cave that is hidden in his trap, as well as not get sucked into it...Purifying magic should work...however you two must remain in contact at all times, as soon as you let go of each other your doomed, he has you".

"As for the second I think even you would know of this one human, his name is Tsuchigumo, a terrifying spider-like demon that is known to be aggressive he is found within the tunnels that lead to Jirobo's cave. He is known to take on human faces, he, like the mist demon, relies on illusion's and trickery to deceive his prey into letting down their guard and then either striking them and then cacoon you within his web, or lead you to waltz right into his webbing trapping you. Just like the first demon, you must not let go, if anything I suggest you always keep a purifying barrier around you at all times, you may let go of each other at that stage though, as he can only focus on one prey at a time, so his illusions are not as effective, once you get past Tsuchigumo, you are almost there."

" Kohaku nushi you will be at a big disadvantage once within that cave and in the tunnels so do be careful, most dragons are not suited for fighting underground... but if you do manage it, it will then only be an hours walk in the tunnel until you reach the entrance of the cave that Jirobo resides in... then only he can give you the information you seek about the Goddess of life".

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat