Plans for Trial

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She sat down awkwardly in the chair that the Guardian offered her trying to be a gentleman, the ropes rubbing blisters into her wrists, 'tsk oh wow what a gentleman' she thinks to herself sarcastically as she rolls her eyes at his fake sense of Chivalry. She just glowers at the man showing that she was not fooled by his little act and the guardian sighs.

"What do you want with me..." she says clearly trying to show no fear, even though her head was screaming for Haku to help her like he always has.

"It is as I said human, I am merely curious...I just wondered how a lone female human could enchant most of the spirits in the spirit world to defy the law in order to protect you...they seem for you, though goddess only knows why...especially since you humans always make a mess of things, destroying their homes, polluting the world, you humans make life very difficult for why you?" he explains and asks.

"I don't know sir, guess I'm just likable and not all humans are like that,  most humans are not aware of your  existence, if it wasn't for what happened when I was 10 I wouldn't have humans do not mean to cause you spirits any harm, the human race is a large species, we only merely do what we can to survive...however...I am nothing like them...not anymore..." she says, however, she noticed that she was starting to babble on, she was nervous " I guarantee you if the humans knew...they would be negotiable, they are not savages" she adds.

The guardian smirks "you say that as if you are one of us human, 'the humans, they' what makes you think you can talk as if you are one of us" he glowers.

"Because I belong here, I am no longer connected to the humans, things have loyalty lies here with the spirits, please sir, I mean no harm..." suddenly the guardian interrupted her.

"Guard, take her back to her cell, I have heard enough, we will begin to prepare for her trial..." he orders curtly to the guard that merely bows and yanked her off the chair by the rope and begins to drag her.

"What do you mean by trial" she says nervously as she tries to maintain her ground against the guard, the guardian smirks.

"That's for us to know and for you to find out later" he turns away "now, take her away," he says as the guard forcibly escorts her out of the room.

Shinkai P.O.V

His mission had been semi-successful so he should feel happy, he had proved that he was still an asset to the why? Why does he feel a little bad for the human woman? was it because she was hot? was it because of what the old witch had told him? He can't deny that since then he had been more curious about the woman than he thought...He shakes his head trying to rid of such thoughts from his mind as he makes his way to the meeting room, he had finally regained his leaders' respect, he just hopes that the situation involving her doesn't get too dire.

He makes his way through the halls until he finally arrives at the door he was looking for, he opens the door and walks into the meeting room with his usual confidence. He spots that everyone was already in their seats, with their leader Baron seated at the head of the table, he bows his respect and sits at his allocated seat for his rank. Because Baron was a bit of an Ocd control freak they had to sit in allocated seats by rank, there are 6 of them in total each representing each element. Baron was the wizard of fire and is the strongest of the 6 thus makes him his leader, to his right, his right-hand man and his second was the cold and emotionless ass Ashton, he is the water element which was also the fire wizards bane in a way. 

To his leader's opposite side, his left was one of his good friends Ivon, he ranked 3rd just one rank above him, his element is air and if it wasn't for him he wouldn't have been able to learn that gravity trick he used on the dragon a week ago. He, of course, was 4th and sat next to Ivon, just sitting across from him ranking 5th was the chaos/light wizard Nate and then the wizard at the other end of the table is Lyle, holding the opposite element of Nates, darkness...They are what make up the Guardians of the Rift, the 6 oldest and strongest wizards in the spirit world.

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