Demon Territory

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They stood on the edge of the boundary and looked out at the disturbing scenery ahead of them, they were literally one step away from crossing into the dark soulless territory of the demons, and hopefully not get eaten. She won't deny it, she is very nervous.

"Chi, are you okay??You're not having second thoughts are you?" Shigeru says looking down at her worried.

"Hmm...we are about to enter demon territory where demons will probably try to eat us...yup totally peachy" she says  sarcastically, at that moment she felt Haku squeeze her hand tightly as if to comfort her, she sighs "however even though I'm a tad freaked out, I'm not backing out or having second thoughts, so don't worry..."

"Damn it, I was hoping you were...this place gives me the creeps, I'm not even as powerful as I once was, even then, I wasn't all that powerful because I was young, still am..."

"Well at least you can defend yourself, you're a giant fox with sharp teeth and magic... if I'm lucky I'll find a stick and wack the demons to death...yep, that will totally work..." she says smirking at him.

Shigeru chuckles "yep definitely glad your back to your normal self Chi, its been boring without you, I missed your witty remarks"

"Are you two done talking now..." Haku says raising an eyebrow at them attempting to look calm and collected, yet Chihiro knew, he was tense...he was nervous also...

Chihiro hugs his arm and nods "sorry Haku...are you okay? you seem tense, are you nervous too?"

Haku looks at her eyes slightly widened but then looks away from her staring off into a distance trying to look like he's fine "Of course I'm fine, don't worry about me" he says and looks down at her giving her a small smile and her hand another squeeze "I was thinking, perhaps we should fly, for now, the ancient said it would be very helpful, just until we reach the canyon, the only problem is we have no clue how to get there, I will basically have to fly all over the place... but even so, it will be safer than walking on land, I think until we reach the canyon we stay up in the air as much as possible it will be safer up there just until we need to make camp and rest" he explains.

"Despite how much I hate that stupid dragon Chi, I have to agree with him on this one... it's probably the best way to handle this place unless there are flying demons then we are so doomed" Shigeru agrees.

Chihiro nods and then looks at her beloved fox friend and her beloved dragon "whelp no use standing here like frozen statues...Haku..." she says placing a hand softly on his arm "you ready? everything is packed, even the new food you guys hunted for earlier" she explains.

Haku nods at her and then takes a few steps back from them and transforms, Shigeru ties the bag of food to Haku's ankle as Chihiro chucks a bag made out of large leaves that Haku made using his magic, on her back along with the medicine pouch that Kamaji gave her around her waist. She then climbs onto Haku's back at her usual spot by his horns, once again smelling like fish, as the bag was half filled with parcels of fish...Shigeru climbs on grabbing her by the waist which earned him a low growl from Haku, she smacks Haku on the top of his head.

"Haku cut that out, you know there is no other way for him to hold on" she chastises.

Haku grumbles a little but calms down and then begins to take off into the air carefully balancing the weight of the food tied on his ankle, and just like that their search for the canyon of lost souls begins.

~5 hours later~

"I swear I feel like we have flown around in circles for the past 5 hours...You would think a big canyon wouldn't be so hard to find...I mean it would be hard to miss wouldn't it?" Shigeru complains slumped on Haku's long serpentine body looking down at the fog below, you could just see the canopies of them below.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now