The Love of a Dragon: Part 2

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Chihiro P.O.V

Her heart pounds and goes into shock at Hakus sudden confession, then suddenly she felt like she was going to cry, but in happiness for once and not pain. Not being able to hold back anymore she flung herself at him catching him by surprise wrapping her arms around his neck pulling back a bit to look into his exotic green eyes that she loved so much smiling as tears began to threaten to stroll down her face. She just couldn't believe it, that this beautiful dragon was her's, he finally came back to her she was so scared that what she did scare him off and that he didn't love her back, she always pleaded with herself for what Shigeru told her to be true that he did love her but was just scared... She couldn't take it anymore she needed him more than ever now, she wants to forget about that first kiss that turned out sour and make a new one, she wanted him to kiss her.

"Haku...just shut up and kiss me..." she says to him as tears finally made their way down her cheeks, a permanent smile on her face "you owe me a new first kiss, you silly dragon" she adds looking into his beautiful green eyes which were shining just like they were after he finally remembered his name. However, this time the intensity of them was completely different which made her blush a little, it was the eyes of someone who loved her, the kind of look that she has dreamed of him looking at her with.

"I thought you were supposed to be sleeping?" he asks her, a small smile tugging on his lips, she just shrugs no longer that tired well at least she was so happy right now that she didn't care or notice anymore.

Haku's small smiles turned into a big grin, flashing his white pearlescent teeth as he looks up at her the intensity now radiating from him as his eyes start looking constantly between her eyes and her lips, suddenly his eyes turned heated and he caresses her cheeks and kisses her softly. The kiss was soft, warm and sweet she could taste and smell the salt water of his river, it was intoxicating,  she thought she could feel him shiver but she could have just imagined it. Suddenly he kissed her again harder and as she kissed him back she could feel a hand go down to her lower back and she was suddenly pulled in closer now pressed up against his slim yet firm body. She had never felt something so amazing, she has never done anything like this before, sure she knew how in theory but never had done anything physically and it was amazing. she then slides her hands into his dark green hair as they continued to kiss feverishly until suddenly she pulls away to look into his now heated and loving eyes which now looked up at her in confusion breathing heavily.

"I love you too Haku...I always have, for a very long time..." she blushes looking away shyly as she also tried to catch her breath "I just wanted to say it" she explains as she felt one of Haku's fingers turned her head back around by her chin, she looks into his eyes and she smiles as he caressed her cheek again, she leans her head into his palms and then suddenly her heart exploded and she let everything she was thinking out, getting emotional thinking about the time in the elevator and his reaction to what might as well have been a confession before he flew away and never came back to see her until now. Sure Shigeru told her and explained what reason it could possibly be to her, however, in her heart she knew it wasn't enough, she wanted to hear it from him.

 "What took you so long?...I missed you, and I was so worried that I did something I shouldn't have, that I had scared you away, that maybe you didn't love me the same way I did you... I waited for you but you didn't come, where were you?..." she pleads to him rubbing her cheek into the palm of his hand.

Haku looked at her guilt and sadness almost completely replacing the heat from his eyes he looks down for a bit but then pulls her into a tight hug before letting her go again. she sat next to him against the willow tree, she watches as haku holds her hand and squeezes it softly looking down his silk-like hair obstructing her view of his face.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now