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Chihiro P.O.V

On the way out of the cave Haku had gone unconscious, she still couldn't understand what was going on but whatever it is or was, it clearly wasn't sunshine and rainbows. Her stomach twisted in knots as she took in the sight of her precious Dragon, he was filled with holes, and she meant that literally, blood oozed out of them soaking his tunic. Her heart aches for him, even Shigeru seems a bit worse for wear and on edge, however whenever he looks at her the only thing she could see was relief. She had asked him what had happened but he only told her that he promises to explain once they have settled down and tended to Haku and that it was a long story.

As they finally reached the outside of the cave she saw a familiar and frightful creature waiting for them, fear began to consume her as she remembered the time she was almost abducted by the ghastly creature, Shigeru growls at the demon. As if sensing our unease the demon transformed into a blind man, he was lanky and tall, looked rather unwell, with long grey or silver hair.

Shigeru continues to grow at him "We played your stupid game and we won! What more could you want!?" he shouts in disdain.

'Game? What game?' she thinks to herself.

"Yes indeed, a deal is a deal, my lord has been defeated...and you guys are indeed free to go if you wish, and as I have told you fox, my lord despite his scary outward appearance is an honourable man, he just merely wishes to offer you a place to stay for the night, it is not safe for the human now that the moon is out, demons plague our lands at this hour, he promises that all ill thoughts towards the dragon are gone, he has gained great respect for the Kohaku River spirit, you three are in no shape to be heading out into the night right now, your strongest is down and badly wounded, and I see that you yourself are rather drained fox...this is only a one time offer, he very rarely accepts guests, so I sugguest you take it..." the demon explains...

She looks up at Shigeru who was baring his teeth and growling still but she could tell he was deep in thought, she then looks down at her beloved Haku...the demon was right, Haku is in no shape to fly or do anything, Shigeru is reliable but is he strong enough on his own is the problem...she sighs and puts a hand on the disheveled foxes him a meaningful look before looking back at the demon.

"We will accept your offer, please show us where we can tend to our friend, thank you very much..." she says respectfully as she hears her fox friend gasp, she could feel his shocked eyes on her and he suddenly leans down and whispers in her ear.

"Chi are you crazy??..." he asks incredulously.

"What choice do we have Shigeru? Its night time and demons are everywhere right now, I don't know what happened but right now keeping safe and tending to Haku are my top priorities right now, it's not like some other demon is going to come along and offer us protection and a place to stay" she whispers firmly.

Shigeru sneers and then looks towards the demon "fine, just one night".

~1 hour later~

The demon had shown them to his cabin, he had said he would not be needing it tonight due to needing to go out on a mission for his lord and then left, that was an hour ago and although Haku was slowly healing, he still hasn't waked up. The cabin only had two bedrooms, one with a double bed, which was obviously Sybil's room, and then there was a spare bedroom next to it.

Shigeru claimed the spare bedroom because he wanted a room to himself and that meant she had to share the double bed with Haku, which normally would have her flustered however due to the circumstances and the situation they were in she was more worried about Haku than trivial things like that.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now