Trial Day

413 17 1

Chihiro P.O.V

She sighs feeling like some sort of lab rat always being was really starting to get on her nerves, so far she had been getting surprise visit's from guys that claim they are one of the guardians, they wouldn't even explain why they keep they just keep on coming hounding her with questions, randomly talking to her, some had even tried to get to know her, for some reason this left her annoyed and slightly disturbed.

She stares at the fine crack in the wall opposite to her, as yet again, the door down the hall opens and closes as the loud clanking of shoes made their way towards her cell  stopping as they reached her...she didn't need to look up to know it was one of those stupid guardians again, she growls though not nearly as impressive as Haku's since, well, shes human...however since being with him she had somehow picked up the habit.

"Whichever one you are...Ivon, Baron, Nate and especially the womanizing scum....go away" she growls.

"Oh come now...I'm not that bad, besides I have you know you should be thanking me" a familiar repulsive voice replies from behind her.

She looks to the tall man that had kidnapped her...the womanizing pervert, Shinkai, she sneers at him "Oh yes, thank you so much oh mighty one for hurting my mate, kidnapping me from him, ruining my dreams and possibly my dare you show yourself now and claim I should be thanking you!"

"Oh my...your cute when your angry...anyways, I am here to explain what is going me woman, it is best to not anger me...I'm pretty much your only true ally in this place" he states and she scoffs in utter disbelief of what the bastard just said.

"My Ally! Hahaha! You? the guy that kidnapped me? What sick joke are you playing at!?" she exclaims hysterically yet anger tainted her amused features. The Guardian merely raises an eyebrow at her which made her blood the hell? the nerve of this guy! She glowers at him and turns back to her crack in the stone wall choosing to ignore him.

She hears him sigh but clearly not giving a damn about what she thought he explained anyway " believe it or not woman, I am your only ally here, I'm sorry for kidnapping you, and hurting your dragon, however, I was merely following direct orders, my order was to retrieve you at all costs and take you home, however we cant do that leader has decided to put you under trial..."

Trail...she was sure the leader had said something about it when she first woke up here yesterday...reluctantly she swivels around to face him, not wanting to admit that he caught her interest, the guardian smiles and continues explaining "Okay, well so far you are under observation by the rest of my colleagues, they are trying to figure you out, to see if your worthy or not, good or evil..."

"So that is why they have been all up in my business..." she sneers interrupting him.

"Yes, now...I'm not supposed to be telling you this all honesty, I have no clue why I a bit confused myself..." he says his voice trailing off as he goes into deep thought.

"If it's your pity... I don't need it" she says coldly.

"No! It's not that!... Well actually maybe a little" he says awkwardly.

 She snorts at him as he continues on "Listen, as I said I was just following orders earlier... I had no choice...when I found out what I did from that witch... I guess I grew curious about you, like everyone else here I wonder how you, a human could have such an effect on the spirits...and I think I understand now... I guess I'm just...what I'm trying to say is that I'm on your side...believe it or not I thought about this a lot..."

Suprise runs through this really the same person that took her? She looks him up and down as if trying to decipher his true intentions but he seemed genuine enough....agh this is so weird..."I don't trust you" she finally says.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora