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Haku P.O.V

Since their arrival, so far they had managed to have a decent meal, he, of course, had raw fish whilst his beloved mate and that fox had another rabbit. He looked at what remains of the rabbit in the fire, in all honesty, he was a bit jealous, he didn't like her eating another guys catch, he wanted her to eat what he hunted, he understands why but it made it  harder to accept knowing that it was Shigeru's knowing his feelings toward her. She promised him that she will have fish for her next meal which made him feel a bit better.

They were just about ready to start heading out to begin their journey through the large Canyon, since it is still daylight he hoped that no demon was still awake, usually, from what he has heard, demons hate sunlight and are strictly nocturnal. He looks at Chihiro who was packing the bag and double checking the medicine bag that Kamaji gave her, she nods in satisfaction and  after she was done she then looks towards him and smiles softly at him, she was nervous, then again we all are, even Shigeru who has been on high alert patrolling the barrier. Suddenly Chihiro sits next to him and puts a hand on his, his heart sped up a little and he takes her hand in his and squeezes as she spoke up.

 "You ready? It's about time we got going...no used staying in one spot like hopeless idiots, just...be careful, I wish there was something I could do to help you guys more... but...I hate it you know...feeling so helplessly...the most I have to offer is hand to hand combat, even with that I'm a bit rusty...I haven't done karate and kendo for about 2 years... I suppose its better than nothing.." she explains to him a small sad smile on her face.

A wave of protectiveness took over him and he felt anger take him as well, however, he tried to hide it though he knows it won't do much good, she will be able to tell, as she has always called it...his Master Haku side,

 "You will need to do no such thing, you will hide and not engage anything...do you understand me, leave the fighting to Shigeru and me, I mean it," he says sternly.

He looks down at her as she glares up at him clearly not happy with that idea, however he didn't care, the fact is, she was human, if she engages she dies and he refuses to have that, if only she wasn't so stubborn, as much as he loved her he knows she is the most stubborn, and reckless person he knows and he knows what was about to happen, however, he won't back down, if she wanted to have a contest he could challenge her for months.

"And What!? Sit on the sidelines!? Doing nothing whilst my boyfriend and my best friend risk and sacrifice their lives for me!?" she yells at him standing up so she could be the one glaring down her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

He gets up and towers over her "Yes, that is exactly what you will be doing, I promised you I would protect you and this is me keeping that promise, so you, will, not, engage." he says taking her forearms in his hands staring her down.

"You expect me to just sit there whilst you guys are in trouble!? I don't know how different it is in the spirit world, but there is no way in hell I'm doing that!? What do you expect me to do if both you and Shigeru are down?! Just sit there or run!? I am not that kind of person Kohaku you should know that more than anyone!" she yells up at him not budging an inch.

'Agh!! Why does she have to be so stubborn, wasn't she just scared earlier?? I practically had to keep reassuring her that I would protect her for god's sake!' he thinks to himself, instead of making their fight worse he walks off and goes to Shigeru who was obviously trying not to pay attention to their little scene.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum