Back to Work

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Chihiro makes her way back down the bathhouse using the lift, looking down at the little piece of paper she had written her name on earlier she smiles knowing she was able to outsmart Yubaba. Now that she remembered her name she was free to work however she pleased without being under Yubaba's spell.

The lift stops at the main bathing area where she knew Lin would potentially be, she tries to remember where everything is, however, it was a bit hard to concentrate knowing most of the spirits were staring and talking about her.

'Wow word really does spread fast' she thought to herself as she finds the Foreman handing out herbal soap tokens to Lin's co-workers, the Foreman turned to look at her and a shock ran through him as he recognized who she was.

"S...Sen!? Is that really you!?" he asked eyes wide with surprise and wonder.

"Yup! It has been a long time Mr Foreman, I'm back!" Chihiro smiles as she continues "I was just wondering if you knew where Lin is?" she asked him despite the poor spirit being absolutely flabbergasted by her sudden return, however, the foreman ignores her question.

"So the rumours were true..." he says as he looked her up and down just like Aogaeru did "I...I just can't believe it, you look so different now" looking at her once more he began to get more serious as he continues on "I don't know how you managed to get back here but the spirit world is no place for a human such as yourself Sen...its dangerous, you must go back as soon as possible, do you hear me?" the foreman explained but Chihiro just shook her head.

"I am already under contract and I would like you to call me by my real name please," she says as she looks up at him " my name is Chihiro".

"What!? You're under contract again!? Are you crazy, now you can't go back home!!" the foreman exclaimed and then realized something " I mean Chihiro...please don't tell me you actually plan on staying here do you...?" he asked fumbling through his question.

Chihiro nods " exactly, I don't plan on going back this time... I'm here to stay" she explained, the foreman looked as if he was going to go off his head at her to try to get her to change her mind but then they were interrupted by Lin running up to Chihiro to hug her.

"Sen!!" she yelled out as she hugged her, finally she pulls Chihiro away to have a good look at her "Why aren't you in your work uniform yet? Oh no...didn't things go well with Yubaba??" Lin asked worriedly.

Chihiro laughs now focusing on Lin who was soaked almost head to toe and her uniform was covered in sludge, Lin stares at her wondering what was so funny until she realized the state that she was in and laughs with her. Calming down Chihiro gets back to the task at hand.

"I was actually looking for you Lin, don't worry I got my job back I am to be your partner again just like old times...and I have kind of forgotten where our room is..." she explains awkwardly, but Lin just laughs and motions for Chihiro to follow.

"Come on you dope I will re-show you how to get to our room and get you some new work clothes, we will actually be able to find the right size for you now unlike last time, you were so tiny" Lin says as they walk up the stairs, following close behind Lin they began to talk about the good old days back when she was only 10 years old, as they made their way through the corridors they found themselves on their balcony.

'Ah...I missed this view' Chihiro thinks to her self as she leans against the wooden railing and looks out at the vast sea that haunted her dreams. The last time she looked out at this same view was when Haku was being attacked by granny's shikigami paper birds due to Haku being forced to steal granny Zeniba's golden seal. She remembers how Haku's blood sprayed everywhere coating this lovely balcony in red, she runs a hand along the length of the railing still reminiscing as they reached their room. Lin looks back at her and smiles sadly.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now