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It has been two days since that dreaded day that changed her life forever, forced into being the owner of the prison that held her for so long. She had moved what little belongings she had up to that witches dreaded old apartment at the top level of the bathhouse, she looks around. The witches taste in design was tacky and gaudy, as much as she hates her new position, she decided that she wasn't going to mope about it anymore, she had already shown everyone in the bathhouse a side of her that she never wanted anyone to see...she was well known in the bathhouse for her tough attitude and bossiness, however, the once intimidated began to look at her in pity, she needed no one's pitty.

 She looks around the office as she placed the last of her things on the floor, she walked around and took the place in again, it will need a lot of work done to it, this was after all her bathhouse now whether she likes it or not and she will be sure any possession of that old witch will go right into the incinerator, she would quite rather forget the hag. She sighs as she begins to get to work...she will make this apartment fit for a classy woman such as herself.

~4 hours later~

Four hours....four...whole damn hours...that is how long it has taken to pack away all the old hags belongings and nicknacks...if she had it her way she would have just chucked everything in one go however she knew there were things that she would have to keep...she wouldn't want to accidentally rid of something important. She looks at the large mountain of plastic bags filled with that witches stuff...she was quite impressed with herself, the large apartment looked clean and tidy without everything that she plans to rid of cluttering the space, it looked shiny and new.

 Once she had put the bags in the incinerator she sat in her new seat at her new desk, it felt awkward sitting where Yubaba sat but at the same time, she felt a sense of importance...if only she knew what she was doing, last time she checked she was merely a tub scrubber with decent leadership skills...did running the bathhouse come with a manual or something? She rummages around her papers, and folders, and found what she thought to be the most important things to assess, the accounting folder that managed their finances, A large rulebook, and thank god, she found a manual to this place...however there will be no doubt that she will be making some changes.

She grabs a pen and a sheet of paper as she opened the rule book, it was time to get started, she had to learn how to do this job properly in less than a week...if not than this entire place is a sinking pressure...

She goes through the set of rules and to her surprise most are actually quite fair, however she still saw a few worth changing, she wants to turn a prison into a home for those who still wish to stay once the guardians came through on their promise, if she was going to work here for the rest of her life she would rather it be comfortable, not only for her but for the other workers they were her responsibility, happy workers are good for business.

After she was finished with the rules, she slipped her piece of paper where she had written her own inside it before moving onto the manual. After an hour of reading she was surprised to find running the bathhouse mostly straightforward, apart from a few details but its something she thinks she can handle with practice...however, again she will be changing some of the ways the bathhouse is run, for one, there will be a shift roster, and she will pay the workers, they will no longer be slaves working for nothing, they will have freedom and rights within their home and workplace as well as cash in their pockets.

Once finished she turns to the accounting folder to check how much money the hag has stashed away greedily, she turned the pages until she found what she was looking for. Shock runs through her as she struggled not to choke on air as she saw how much the bathhouse makes per month.

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