Danger's of the Spirit World

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Chihiro looked out at the sea and at the bright round moon that hung in the sky, looking at it through the camera of her cell-phone that she took out of her school bag, she tilts her head to the side wondering what would happen if she took a picture using human technology in the spirit world. Out of curiosity she presses the button on her phone and took a picture of the train tracks and the sea, going into her gallery she was surprised to see that it actually worked.

"Wow, amazing! Now I can take pictures and make a record of my time here.! Maybe even take a selfie with Lin and Haku!!" she says to herself.

'Haku....' she thinks to herself her heart aching when she thinks of him, today was a day off for her still okay well technically it was night time but everyone here seems to be nocturnal so it's like the total opposite of the human world. She then realizes it has only been 2 hours since Haku left her here completely and utterly shocked.

'Haku...why?...' she thinks to herself still furious with Haku whose immediate reaction after finally seeing her again was his need to just send her back.

'How could you Haku...you were the one person that I thought would never hurt me... but straight after I figured out my love for you and confide in you, you go and say something like that..." Chihiro thinks angrily to herself and tries to distract herself by taking a photo of the lovely view of the pig pens and the flower field that sat on top of a cliff, suddenly she heard Lin's Voice coming from the other end of the balcony.

"Se...I mean, Chihiro you want some food!?" Lin yells out as she finally emerges from the corner holding up two big bowls of ramen, Chihiro smiles at her spirit friend thinking that food was a lovely idea right now.

"Hell yeah! Quick bring it over I'm starving!" she says to Lin laughing, well at least trying to.

Lin walks over to her and they sit in their room and began to eat in silence, she could feel Lin's constant curious gaze whilst she continues to scoff down her noodles, after she swallowed them she sighs and looks up at her spirit friend with a raised brow seeing Lin try to act normal, as if she was never staring .

"Lin?" Chihiro says as lin looks up at her with noodles half hanging out of her mouth, "Lin I know you were staring, so what's up?" Chihiro asks trying not to sound annoyed.

Lin quickly finishes what was in her mouth and smiles cheekily at her "So...did you perhaps see anyone interesting earlier?" Lin smirks.

"So you knew Haku was here?" she asked, her eyebrow raised.

Lin shrugs " yeah but only just before you did probably, I bumped into him whilst he was looking for you, that dragon was pretty keen on seeing you" Lin explains winking at her, but this only made Chihiro go sour.

"Oh was he really?" Chihiro replies asking not bothering to hide her annoyance anymore.

Lin looks at her confused "what's wrong Chihiro? I thought you would be ecstatic?"

Chihiro sighs "Oh, by all means, I was," she says as Lin then tilts her head not understanding why she would be like this.

"Did something happen?..." she asked and then turned serious "oh my god something did happen, what did that insensitive jerk of a dragon do to you?..." Lin continued looking like she was about to go on a dragon hunt, sighing Chihiro explains what happened from the very start to finish.

"Lin what do I do?... I just can't go back to the human world, I can't, I even explained my story to him, opened up to him right after I realised my true feelings for him, only to get this" Chihiro suddenly coughs a bit to try to do her best Haku impression.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें