The Shadow Demon

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Shigeru P.O.V

He patrols the barrier he made whilst Chihiro and the injured dragon slept, out of both of them he was the spirit in better shape and it was his duty to be the one in charge of night shifts, even though this meant he had to walk around limping due to the bite from one of the 10 hell hounds...

'Wait a minute...' he stops walking along the barrier as a realization hit him 'there were 10 hell hounds weren't there?? Then how come he only counted 9 corpses...oh no...that means one managed to get away, but to where??" he thinks to himself puzzled.

He starts walking back to the clearing where Chihiro and Kohaku were sleeping soundly, watching them sleep made him yawn and he began to feel exhausted as well. The dragon was cunning but right, he should have slept longer than he did, now his tiredness was hindering him, however, he had to make sure he stayed awake for all of their sake's. Suddenly, he felt something try to break through the barrier, but it kept on being reflected back off it, he warily walks into the direction of the affected area and peeks behind a rock, it was one of the hellhounds from before, alone. It kept lunging at the barrier until suddenly a dark and deep voice ordered it to stop, instinctively he stopped peeking and hid behind the rock better and listened in on the intruder.

"Stop mutt, you will make a scene and alert them that we are here, most of your pack has failed me once already, and if the rest dares to fail me again, you and your pack of inferior dogs will wish for you understand me.." the deep voice says coldly.

A shiver goes down his spine, he can feel the intense aura that this unknown demon possessed, he needed to at least put a face to the hauntingly cold voice so he ever so slightly peeks one eye out from behind the rock, he could just see it, however it had its back to him, he was as dark as darkness itself, his large black wings blocking most  of his view, but he could tell he had multiple horns on his head, and razor sharp and very long claws for fingers that looked like one alone could pierce right through a person's chest, he was even more terrifying that the first demon they run into. Finally he turned his head around to inspect the barrier and he could see his blood red glowing eyes, very similar to the hellhounds, he watches as he pokes the barrier with one of his long claw-like fingers which gave the demon a shock but didn't repel him like its supposed to, he had put a lot of effort into the barrier and he felt a bit smug and proud of his accomplishment.

'Take that you menacing freak' he thinks to himself until suddenly the demon spoke up again.

" matter...they cant keep hiding in there forever, they will eventually need to come out... that witch and Kohaku will pay dearly for breaking their contract with me...stealing my demon pawns in the process...dealing with that lovesick dragon will be quite simple, once we get our hands on that girl you said he seems to care for...I see he has tried to move on, put his past behind him...but I will show him, that there is no way to run from the past, one way or another, it will come back to haunt him...I will make sure of that and as for that pesky fox... I suppose your dogs can have him as a snack...provided you mutts can actually kill him next time..." he says coldly chuckling as he and the hound disappear into the darkness.

He sat there behind the rock not knowing what to think 'what the hell was he talking about? Kohaku and the Hag have a history with that guy?Why the hell didn't he say anything!? This was vital information! Not only is the guardian lying in wait for us god knows where we have to face a tricky Mist demon and Tsuchigumo on top of all the other demons they cross paths with and now this guy?? From what I can tell the evil jerk is a powerhouse, definitely one of the stronger demons!! that dragon is so going to get it once he gets up! Not only that but now even they are after Chihiro to use against him for whatever he and the old Hag did!! That son of a!...' he punches to rock ignoring the pain and blood on his hand...he did not sign up for this, he only signed up for Chihiro's quest, not helping the Lizard with his obvious history issues...

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now