The Love of a Dragon: Part 1

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Chihiro P.O.V

Chihiro's eyes fluttered open waking up seeing the moonshine coming through the long vine-like leaves that drooped beautifully from the willow tree they slept under. She looks around drowsily slowly waking up and looked towards the sleeping fox that slept alongside her, she remembered how upset he was before they fell asleep and wished she could do something to help him...

'But what can I do?...I'm only human...I hope he will be okay' she thinks to herself as she felt guilty for what her kind had done to him, 'we really are the worst...'.

Suddenly, Shigeru who was crying out in his sleep drove her out of her thoughts to see her tortured friend having nightmares, she softly pats him as if to somehow ease his pain. However, that turned into a mistake when his eyes flew open in a crazed hatred and anger, suddenly biting her arm. Chihiro screamed and went into shock seeing her beloved friend's teeth seep into her skin and blood painted her arm dripping wet onto the ground. 

Chihiro couldn't think, she couldn't feel...she watched as Shigeru began to snap out of it his eyes wide in shock then looks down at her blood-soaked arm and she saw the pure horror and guilt shook through his furry body trembling. 

He looks up at her about to cry "oh my god...chi...I'm so sorry...what have I...what have I done...if I let go you might bleed to death...oh god...I'm so sorry!... it's my's all my fault! Chi what do I do....please say something..." Shigeru pleads complete sorrow taking over him.

She was about to open her mouth and say something when suddenly they heard a gasp coming from in front of them and then a threatening growl pierces the silence. They both turned to look at who it was still numb and shocked about what just happened, seeing who it was Chihiro gasps and her heartthrobs in her chest...there stood Haku, her beloved Haku...however, there was something different about him, something menacing. Suddenly, she then realizes the growling was coming from him he wasn't even looking at her, his crazed eyes were looking at her blood-soaked arm and then to Shigeru who had decided to keep holding on so she didn't bleed to death.

She has never seen this type of expression on his face before, well not in his human form anyway, it was truly frightening. His eyes lusted for bloodshed, they were murderous and they were all directed at Shigeru who was just staring at him wide-eyed in shock and his sorrow turned to fear. Chihiro was dumbstruck and didn't know what to do, she knew it wasn't Shigeru's fault, and she could tell he feels horrible for it...but what did it look like for Haku?...she was sure it looked like seeing his friend getting attacked by some unknown fox, she knew she had to say something.

"Haku...this isn't what you think it was just an accident..." she managed to scramble out of her mouth shakily, watching as Haku looked like he was going to lunge at Shigeru.

Haku P.O.V

His beloved Chihiro was harmed by this so-called Shigeru...he will never forgive him... upon hearing Chihiro's frightened voice Haku's menacing eyes moved from Shigeru to Chihiro, his eyes though still angry softened a little looking into her pleading yet fear filled eye's. Suddenly it was like he was trying to fight a war, his eyes glistened in tears as he tried to pull back his anger, many expressions crossed his face, anger, bloodlust, fear, guilt, sadness, and love. He was scaring her, she seemed more scared of him right now than that fox.

"Please, Haku...he didn't mean to...He was having a bad dream and I patted him and scared him just kind of accidentally happened, it was my own please, for me...don't kill him..." she continued to plead.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now