Illusions: Part 1

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Shigeru P.O.V

As the mist engulfs him he finds himself in an endless white void, he couldn't see anything but white, not even the wall he was holding onto, but oddly enough he could feel it. Shaking his head he feels around the now invisible wall, as long as he keeps touching the wall he should be okay, he won't get lost this way.

'What the hell is this place? Is this even mist? An illusion?' he thinks to himself puzzled and a tad overwhelmed by the stark white nothingness that surrounds him, it was kind of suffocating.

~20 minutes later~

After 20 minutes of searching and the result is still nothing, honestly, how are they going to find this stupid entrance, the alley was huge and the mist-filled it to the brim.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hits him and a headache raids his mind, for some reason he felt violated, like someone or something was peeking into his soul, the pain that thwarted him made him fall to his knees and he sat against the invisible wall. His breathing was ragged, and his eyes tightly closed shut...he was afraid to open them, but something was egging him on to look.

Not being able to fight it he opens his eyes and then gasps and gawks wide-eyed at the scenery, a sense of recognition and belonging takes over him....he was home, his forest, his true home...

"I'm home!!" he cries out in wonder.

Excitement floods through him as he gets up and runs through the familiar woodland, familiar animals scurry along the ground and then up the trees. A bright broad smile takes up his face as he spots a familiar clearing, it was his favourite spot to play, and waiting for him was his best friend Kisha the wolf spirit. He couldn't believe his eyes he never thought he would see her again but here she was laying in her wolf form, waiting for him.

"Kisha?..." a desperate whisper slips out of his mouth.

She looks up at him with those warm familiar eyes as she shifts into her human form, her long dark hair blowing in the breeze, she smiles impishly at him "Its about time you got here, how long do you expect your best friend to wait for?" she says walking up to him giving him a tight warm hug, he seeps into her familiar embrace as loose tears stream his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry...Kisha...I couldn't protect you... I couldn't protect anything...and now its all gone...gone...wait...thats right, everything shouldn't be here, you're not real, none of this is real! Oh god, what have I done! This was my idea and I already stuffed it up..." he realizes trying to escape the arms from the illusion of his best friend. This was bad, he left his post and was stranded god knows where, thank god for the rope to guide him back, however, its no use when you're trapped within the arms of the enemy.

"What's wrong Shige? Don't you want to play with me? Don't you miss me anymore? Don't forget it's all your fault that I'm dead, that everything is dead, so why can't you just stay here with me? Am I not enough for you? Does that human mean more to you than I do? Am I being replaced?" He snaps at her unease and constant questioning.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!! Go away! Let me go! Your dead your not real!" he shouts at her and then her arms go limp and he backs away from her and feels for the rope when he grasps hold of it he begins to follow it back to camp.

Suddenly, a grotesque hand covers his and he yelps falling backwards onto his bottom as he tried to free his hand however it was no use, there stood a decaying, walking, living corpse of his best friend in front of him with a now very tight grip on his arm, it was terrifying.

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