Consumption of the soul

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After they finished explaining everything to the newly awakened Haku a heavy awkward silence filled the entire canyon, she can swear that she could cut the tension with a knife. She was worried about Haku, who was taking an earful from Shigeru about us keeping something so important from him after he explained his past like he did with her. She couldn't help but feel worried for her precious dragon, not only that, she hasn't been able to check his wounds yet, his neck seems to be mostly fine, almost gone, however, they were mere claw cuts that weren't too deep...his right side on the other hand....those were pretty deep gashes if he were human he would of probably died from blood loss.

She softly puts her hand on his and squeezes it as he takes the news and Shigeru's ranting completely expressionless, it was like he was numb to any emotion, she has never seen him like this before, but she knows better, he is in without a doubt, a lot of pain...he was just too proud and stubborn to show it in front of Shigeru, she knows he would rather die than show any weakness in front of him.

She squeezes his hand again and peers at him worried, his expressionless eyes gazed into hers his face showed nothing, they continued to stare at each other as if they were the only ones there, suddenly she feels his hand shaking under hers the only sign that he was indeed feeling dreadful right now and Shigeru ranting at him probably wasn't making it any easier...she began to get angry...she felt the ice queen in her wanting to break out.

She coldly glares at Shigeru, she didn't realise the aura she was producing because suddenly Shigeru stopped talking and stared at her as if he was about to be sent to hell, he was frightened yet also intrigued...whereas Haku looks at her wide-eyed, and slowly began to back away from her.

"Uh...Chi?....uh...why are you staring at me like that...?" he asked nervously but she just tilts her head to the side her hair falling over her ice-cold gaze as she slowly walks up to him with a cold smile on her face, her frightening aura causing the fox to take two steps back.

"I'm sorry? what was that? did you ask me why? I'm sorry I was just so preoccupied with listening to your pathetic insensitive ranting that I forgot to care or listen to anything you say at the moment..." she says harshly.

Shigeru looks away awkwardly feeling ashamed "I'm sorry..."

"Don't you dare say sorry to me, say sorry to Haku now! Were you not listening to his story!? How can you be so insensitive!? Yes, things just got a lot harder and dangerous for us! But for christ sake don't you dare put the blame on him! This quest was going to be dangerous whether that demon showed up or not!" she explains harshly. Suddenly there was a comforting hand resting on her shoulder, she looks behind her and see's Haku's wistful expression as he hugs her from behind.

"Its okay Chihiro...he has every right to be angry at me I should have said something about it to him, and please don't worry, I'll be okay, and you will too I won't let him touch you I promise," he says mumbling into her neck. She began to calm down, taking a deep breath she looks back up at her dear fox friend who was looking down at her as if he saw a ghost, she sighs.

"Shigeru...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled like that... I understand that your upset but please just, next time take peoples feelings into consideration first..." she says softly suddenly she takes a deep breath and looks at the two of them watching as they reconciled and then she speaks up reminding them of what they were here to do "let's get going guys...we have searching to do".

~2 hours later~

Yet again, another awkward ride, instead of walking we rode on Haku again within his newly casted barrier inside the canyon hoping that it would be safer than walking, and so far it has been. However, due to his most recent injury, it wasn't as strong as the last one she could tell it was draining him, she has tried to tell him to put it down and rest but being the stubborn and overprotective dragon he is he refused.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя