The Mist

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A quick chat my ass...' she thinks to herself as she lays on the couch in front of the small fireplace she managed to get going.

They have been in there talking for at least 2 hours, maybe their talk is actually over and she's teaching him how to do this so-called teleportation spell. Sighing she gets up bored out of her mind and peeks into Shigeru's room, he was sound asleep so she quietly closes the door and then walks up to her and Haku's door and places an ear to it, but even then she couldn't hear anything just muffled groans from Haku, he was getting annoyed. She peeks in to find that Zeniba was nowhere to be seen and that Haku was by himself obviously focusing and trying to do something, he didn't even notice her come in and sit on the bed watching him curiously.

He had his eyes closed and his arms and hands out in front of him, he must be trying to do this teleportation spell granny had told them about and by the looks of it, it must be a difficult spell since he seemed to be struggling. She gets up behind him and hugs him from behind making him jump slightly which made her giggle.

" were just badly injured and used up a lot of this spiritual energy stuff, as well as magic. Perhaps you should wait until you're in better condition before trying to practice the spell" she says to him sounding a little amused.

Haku sighs and chuckles a little "you scared me Chihiro...heh.." he says turning around and lifting her up bridal style to sit down on the bed with her in his lap.

She giggles putting her arms around his neck "that's what happens when you underestimate the queen of stealth " she says winking at him causing him to smile clearly amused.

"The queen of stealth huh? That's a pretty high title for a human" he teases.

She sticks her tongue out at him "what does me being human have anything to do with my oh so obvious skills"

Haku laughs and then rests his face in the crook of her neck giving it a light kiss "everything".

She snorts at him and hits the back of his head which only made him laugh more, she sighs "so what did Zeniba want? What did you two talk about? I don't know why but I was getting a weird feeling earlier" she asks. Haku shifts awkwardly from under her, he was embarrassed, she couldn't see his face but she could tell that much "is it a secret?" she adds.

Haku sighs "It's not that its a secret, after overhearing our um...conversation earlier she um...gave me so on and so forth, and then she went on about the spell. Sorry that I didn't tell you that we finished talking I was just excited about this spell, and really wanted to learn it, not only would it be useful for us but it meant we can... um...go to my river instantly..." a blush rises in his cheeks but as he tenses it leaves "a massive time saver too, but its so frustrating" he groans and plops back and lays on the bed with her still on his legs "everything, all the information I need is inside my head because Zeniba put it there, but making it actually happen and pulling it off... it's like I'm about to pull it off but then it stops working and goes away".

Chihiro lays on top of him her face resting on her hands and her legs playfully swinging back and forth in the air "as I just said Haku, you just survived a possible fight to the death, I may be human and definitely no expert on magic or anything remotely like it but I'm not surprised at all that you cant do it right now. Now come on, let's get some rest, maybe after we get some proper rest you might feel better enough to try it again tomorrow" she says getting off of him and making her way to the top of the bed.

Suddenly, she gets a cheeky idea, a part of her says she shouldn't tease her dragon so much, that it was torture enough for him, and the playful mischievous part of her is like, you know you want to, you want him to look at you that way, you like it...and so will he, besides you cant wear them all the time they might stink. As usual, the mischievous part of her wins and she begins taking off her work clothes until she was only in her bra and underwear. She looks at Haku who was staring at her wide-eyed and flushed she gives him a flirty smile and hops under the sheets then pats the spot next to her.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now