Chapter 70

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Evan's POV:

I wake up with my head pounding, it's been a few days since Connor broke into the house while he was sick and he still is. His mom says it's best we don't see each other for a few weeks and I get that but that doesn't make me happy at all. I have finals this week, school ends in a few days and I'm more stressed than ever, I just want Connor. I walk downstairs to find mom making some pancakes, I lay down on the couch and moan, mom looks over at me.

"Hey Evan is everything ok?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine I just have a headache"

Mom finishes the pancakes and sets them on a plate then walks over and sits next to me.

"Oh Evan I can get you medicine, are you well enough to go to school?"

"I have to go I have finals"

"Oh that's right shoot, well hopefully the medicine will kick in quickly" she says while getting up to go get some medicine, she comes back in a few seconds with a pill in one hand and a glass of water, I quickly take it. She rests the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Well, you don't seem like you have a fever but if you feel worse go to the nurse ok?"

I nod and she walks over to grab me some pancakes, she smiles and hands me a plate.

"Oh and I'm off work today so if you aren't feeling well I'll be here to pick you up"

I nod and quickly eat my pancakes before heading out the door.


My headache doesn't get any better especially now that I'm heading to health to present a project, I can feel my hands start to sweat and shake, I sigh.

You know maybe I should go to the nurse, I can't do this. No, I have to go for finals, I have to suffer.

I enter the classroom and go to my seat to set up my station. The teacher said that we are presenting to little groups and there will be different rounds so the presenters will present multiple times to different groups. Just the thought of that makes my anxiety skyrocket.

At least I'm not presenting in front of the whole class.

The bell rings and my teacher starts class right away, calling for everyone's attention.

"Alright class today, as you know, we will be continuing to present our final projects, if you already presented please go and sit by someone who is presenting today so we can start presentations as soon as possible"

I see a group of boys walk over to my station, I smile awkwardly at them, they don't seem like jerks so that's good I guess. I grab my papers and start to begin my presentation.

"S-so u-ummm m-my project is umm on umm s-self harm and umm..."

I continue my speech, or well try to. It's basically filled with a bunch of ummms and sweaty, shaky hands, once the timer goes off everyone moves, I try to calm down. I look around and see that no one in coming to my station, I let out a sigh of relief.

Please no one come to my station, I need a break.

I'm relived to see that no one comes to my station, all I have to do for this round is sit here and be a mess. My relaxation time however, or more like freak out time, doesn't last very long and before I know it the teacher comes over to my station, and he is the only one that does. I awkwardly smile at him, he smiles back.

"Don't mind me Evan I'll just be grading you, begin whenever you're ready"


I begin my project like a shaky, sweaty mess and end the same way. At the end of my presentation my teacher gives me an awkward smile.

"So uhh good job Evan, you did the best you could"


He smiles and moves onto the next station, the group that comes over to me is the popular group and when I start my presentation they seem to not care about anything. The group after them, well they just completely embarrassed me, saying that my topic was depressing and talking really loudly so everyone stared at us, once the bell rang I ran out of that class, trying my hardest not to cry.


At home mom is there to great me at the door, I try and slip past her but she stops me.

"Hey Evan how were your finals?"


"Are you sure?"

"They were fine"

"Ok well I need to talk to you for a second"

I nod and mom leads me over to the couch, I stare at her a bit confused.

We never sit on the couch like this, what's going on?

"Evan I have some bad news to tell you, we all know that Connor has been sick for a while now and well his mom took him into the doctor because he's been feeling weak lately and well.... he has anemia Evan... he doesn't have much iron in his blood so he's loosing blood cells and..."

I cut her off, my anxiety starts to skyrocket again. "W-what? Will I be able to see him again?"

"Yes honey you will, he'll just need to get a blood transfusion and he'll need to be in the hospital recovering for a few days, everything will be fine I promise"

"But what if he's not fine what if-"

Mom cuts my off. "Evan just trust me on this ok?"

I nod and run up to my room.

No this can't be happening, not now, not with all this stress, no no no no no.

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