Chapter 27

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I wake up in the morning and it's 8:30. I start to panic a little but then I remember that mom let me have a day off of school. I walk downstairs and see that mom is still home.

"Oh good morning Evan, I guess the weather knew you wanted a day off it's a snow day today!"

"What really?"

"Yeah, more snow feel over night than what was expected, we got 8 inches and they called off school around 5:00 this morning"

"Thank goodness"

I look outside and see that mom was right, there was a lot of snow on the ground. I smile and run up to my room to grab my phone and I text Connor.

Evan: hey it's a snow day is there one for you too?

Connor: yep

Evan: that means you can come over and we can hang out all day

Connor: I'll be over there whenever I get time away form my parents

Evan: I thought they didn't really care about you

Connor: yeah but now ever sense I got expelled they always have to keep an eye on me and the only time they don't keep an eye on me is when it's 2:00 am

Evan: that's why you're always here around then

Connor: exactly

Evan: well good luck getting out of the house

Connor: thanks babe I promise I'll be there as soon as possible

I smile and set my phone down for a second. A few minutes later my phone goes off again and I read the messages.

2 new messages from Connor and Evan are gay

Jared: guys

Jared: guys

Evan: what


Evan: ya I guess not


Jared: we know that

Alana: I gotta post on my blog

Jared: you're so weird

Zoe: Connor just got his phone taken away

Evan: WHAT

Zoe: yeah, he was yelling at our parents and swearing and dad took his phone away and he said to tell you guys

Evan: shit

Jared: what did you just say?

Evan: I meant shoot

Jared: mmhmm sure you did Hansen

Zoe: anyway at least we all have a day off today

Marissa: I'm shaving my legs

Jared: wtf you literally do that like everyday

Marissa: I know

Jared: well anyway I'm gonna spend all of my day playing with my bath bomb babies

Zoe: Connor told me to tell Jared to shut up

Jared: tell him fuck you

Zoe: he's reading the texts

Jared: hey loser

Zoe: fuck you Jared

Zoe: that was Connor

Jared: I assumed it was

Natalie: ITS A SNOW DAY!!!

Jared: Jesus Christ we know that my god

Marissa: hey we do not say the lords name in that way

Jared: sorry

Natalie: oh I'm so happy

Jared: good for you

I sigh and set my phone down and wait until Connor comes over. Without his phone I have no connection to him. I need Connor to stay alive.

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