Chapter 31

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Back to Evan's POV:

I look over at my clock and it's 2:00 am. I poke Connor in the side, he sighs.

"It's time"

Connor gets up and starts stuffing his clothes into his bag. I take out all of the school stuff from my backpack and throw in my clothes. Connor and I quietly walk downstairs to grab some food to pack up. Cassie rubs up against my legs. I bend down to pet her.

"I'll be back soon, I just need a break"

I'm gonna miss Cassie so much but I'll have Connor to keep me company.

Connor puts some food into our bags and I go back upstairs to grab my wallet, I only have 50 dollars but it should be enough. I look into my moms room and I see her purse right next to her bed.

A little more money won't hurt.

I silently walk into her room and take her purse into the hallway, I dig through it until I find 30 more dollars. I stuff the money into my wallet then put moms purse back.

I'm sorry mom.

I head downstairs with the money and I put it into my backpack. Connor nods.

"Ready Hansen?"


As we head for the door I look back at the house one more time before leaving and a tear runs down my face.

I'm sorry mom... I have to do this. I can't live this life anymore.

Connor holds my hand as we head out the door, luckily Connor grabbed his car from the his house so we could use it. We set our stuff in the back of his car and get in. My hands start to sweat a little bit but I know I'm doing the right thing.

"So Evan, where should we go?"

"I-it has to be somewhere far from here"

"Well New York is days away by car, we could go there"

I nod.

"Y-yes that'd be fine"

Connor starts his car and backs out of the driveway. I calm down and relax a little bit and before I know it I'm drifting off to sleep.


I'm woken up by a bunch of honking cars. Connor sighed.


I look out the window to see that we are in a traffic jam.


"How long do you think it'll take to get out of here?"

"I don't know Evan... I promise I'll get us to New York as soon as possible"


Connor honks his horn really loud at everyone and I sigh. I don't want to calm him down cause it'll just make it worse.


We almost made it through the first day of driving and Connor has become very tired.

"Babe you want me to drive?"

Connor shook his head.

"No, as long as I keep drinking these energy drinks I'll be fine until we make it to New York"

I sigh and fall back asleep with my head against the side of the car.


I feel poking on my side and I open my eyes to see Connor smiling at me.

"We're here"

I look through the window.

"Wow it's not as busy as I thought it would be"

Connor laughed.

"Yeah that's because we aren't in the city, we are just outside of it though, maybe we could stay in a hotel for now"

"Connor I only have 80 bucks"

"I have 200"


"Yeah, before I left my house I grabbed some money from my parents"

I sigh.

"That's good cause then we'll have enough to spend at least a couple nights at the cheapest hotel"

"It'll be more than enough, hotels around here aren't that expensive and I should know because my family comes here on vacation a lot"

I smile at him and grab my phone. I sigh.

"I have 20 missed calls from my mom, what do I do?"

"Block her number"

"But she'll find out"

"Look Evan if you don't wanna get in trouble for running away you're gonna have to block her"

"Or I could just not answer her calls"

"That could work too"

I sigh and put my phone back in the bag. Connor pulls into a lot of a hotel and parks. I get out and grab my stuff and Connor grabs his. Connor holds my hand as we walk through the doors. Connor walks up to the front desk.

"Hey how much does it coast to stay here for a week?"

"Around 200 dollars if it's just the two of you"

Connor sighs and a few minutes later he hands the guy the 200 dollars and gets the room keys.

"Room 234"

I pick up my things and head upstairs and try to find our room. Connor is already at the door once I get there.

"Ha I found it before you"


Connor unlocks the door and we set our stuff down on the bed. I lay on the bed and drown in my own thoughts.

I can do this. I can live this life. As long as Connor is here I'll be fine. Everything will be ok.

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