Chapter 4

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This chapter does have some talk about a suicide attempt so if you are uncomfortable with that then I recommend stoping at the "•••" and skipping the rest of chapter


At lunch with Jared I saw Connor again. He was eating alone and I felt bad for him. Maybe Jared could talk to him again and maybe even become friends with him.

"Hey Jared can we invite that Connor kid to sit with us?"

"Evan no I told you I didn't want to talk to that kid again. Just let's look at my funny memes."

I rolled my eyes and asked Jared again.

"Jared come on! Can we? I mean that was only one talk. He can't be that bad."

"Ok fine but if he doesn't like my memes he's no longer sitting here"


I walk over to Connor and tap him lightly on the shoulder. My hands were sweating a bit since I'm never really the one to talk to anyone. No one seemed to notice me though so that made me feel a bit better.


"H-hey Connor it's me E-Evan I was wondering if you could like to c-come sit with me and my friend Jared?"

Connor looked at me and then looked over my shoulder at Jared sighing.

"As long as he doesn't run into me again and doesn't try to show me his stupid do you know da wae meme again then sure"

I smile a little bit and I bring him over to the table. Jared looks up at Connor but says nothing. Connor looks down at my cast.

"No one has signed your cast yet"

"N-no they didn't.."

"I could sign it if you want"

"You don't have to it's fine really.."

I could feel my hands start to get sweaty like they always do when I talk to new people.

"Do you have a sharpie?"

I hand him the sharpie. It has my sweat on it now that I've touched it with my sweaty hands.. I hope he doesn't notice..

Connor pulls off the cap and writes his name in big bold letters on my cast. I read it.


"Oh wow.. thanks"

Connor puts the cap back on and hands me the sharpie. He smiles at me and I feel happy? No one has ever really smiled at me before besides my mom.


The next day at school everyone was crowded around in the gym. I stand next to Jared and we are both confused as to what is going on. No one had any idea why they were here but all the teachers said to come to the gym so we did.

"Hansen do you have any idea what's happening?"

"Jared I told you already no I don't.."

"Anyway I'm gonna look at memes on Instagram until someone starts talking"

I roll my eyes and wait for the principle to come out or something. Finally he did and he got everyone's attention. Even Jared's.

"Students, we are gathered here today to discuss a terrible event that happened with one of our students.. his name is Connor Murphy and he had a drug overdose last night.. we believe that he tried to kill himself.. luckily he's still alive but he will be recovering for at least a week. Remember if any of you have any thought of killing yourself or self harm please speak to any one of us and we will gladly help you."

Everyone in the gym was quiet. I stared at the principle in shock.

Why would he try to kill himself? He seemed happy yesterday..

Jared looked at me with the same expression I had. He must be thinking the same thing. The bell for the first class rang and everyone silently went to their first class. No one talked.. all you could hear was feet moving through the halls..


I got home and my mom gave me a big hug. I hugged her back and then she mentioned me to come sit at the kitchen table with her.

"I heard about what happened with that kid last night.. thankfully he's still alive I was worried about you though Evan, you have Connor written on your cast. Did you know him?"

"Well uhh he was in my English class.. and my math class.. we didn't talk much though.. look mom it's not a big deal for me I'll be fine.."

"Are you sure? Cause your therapist is free tonight and she will gladly talk to you if you need help"

"Y-ya I'm fine mom don't worry about it"

"Ok honey, just let me know if you need anything"

"Ok mom"

After that talk I ran up to my room and laid down on my bed. I thought about that day when I tried to kill myself.. when I let go of the tree..

Everyone cares so much about Connor but no one cares about me? They had a whole assembly for Connors attempt but not mine. I guess that's a good thing. I don't want all that attention anyway.

I just want to let you guys know if you are having any of these thoughts you can always come and talk to me or anyone else. We are here for you and even if it feels like no one is there I'm sure there's someone there to help you. Even I feel this way at times and I have thoughts of killing myself but when I talk to someone I feel better. So please if you are feeling this way make yourself feel better and talk to someone and get the support you need. You are not alone.

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