Chapter 26

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This chapter does mention self harm so if you are uncomfortable with that I recommend stopping at the "•••" and skipping the rest of the chapter.

When I wake up I see that Connor is no longer there, my heart sinks.

He must have had to go home around 5:00 so his parents wouldn't know he was gone.

I get out of bed and get ready for school. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and all I can think about is Connor. I won't see him at school today or any other day this year. School is hard without Connor, without Connor I'm by myself.


I finish my breakfast, feed Cassie and the pet tree Connor got me and head out the door. I walk slowly, I don't even care if I'm late anymore. It doesn't matter because Connor won't be there. I don't want to go to school anymore because there's no reason to. I make it to school around 7:55 and I have to go straight to class.


After lunch I head up the stairs to Chemistry, once again I didn't talk durning lunch, I didn't want to. I sit down in my spot and the teacher has the test averages on the board, as well as how many A's, B's, C's, D's, and F's there were. I read the board.

1st hour average: 88%

5th hour average: 85%

6th hour average: 86%

7th hour average: 84%

A's: 32

B's: 33

C's: 17

D's: 10

F's: 4

My class period is 6th hour. The average is ok so that gives me a little hope but still not a lot.

The only reason we have an ok average is because we have a lot of really smart people in this class and I'm not one of them. I bet I'm one of the F's.

When the bell rings our teacher starts to pass back our tests. My hands start sweating because I know I did horrible. The teacher hands my test back and I can already see all the marks on the back. I flip it over and I want to cry.

55%, mom is going to kill me. I'll be grounded for days.

I get up and ask the teacher if I can go to the bathroom and he nods and says to take the pass. I take the pass and run as fast as I can to the bathroom. I open the door and run to the very last stall, I lock it and just sit on the floor and cry. I cry for at least 15 minuets then I wipe my tears and decide to go back to class before my teacher gets worried. When I leave the stall I look up to see one of the football players who bullied me.


He leans over me and sees the dried tears on my face. My hands start to sweat and I start to panic. I can feel my whole body shaking. I try to get around him but I can't, he blocks my way.

"Hey nerd I heard crying in here, was that you?"

I don't say anything. All I do is just stand there hoping he'll let me out soon.

I knew I shouldn't have come to school today.

"Oh come on baby, I know it was you. You're just a big fat baby and that's all you'll ever be"

The guy punches me and I try so hard not to cry again. I push back my tears and don't say anything. I just keep standing there.

"Too why to speak are you? If you don't say anything I guess I'll just have to post this video..."

Broken Hearts - TreeBrosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें