Chapter 59

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Connor's POV:

I sit in the principles office watching my principle call my parents, the first one to answer was my dad. I listen to the conversation.

"He's suspended for 2 days.... yes I know but we can still suspend kids here... he won't get expelled... yes he'll graduate..."

I start to zone out and as soon as I know it my head is on the desk and I am out. I'm awaken by tapping on my shoulder, I look up to see my principle staring at me.

"Connor your dad is coming to get you. Get your things together"

I suddenly remember Heather was taken out of the rom before the call to my dad.

"Hey uhh where did that girl Heather go?" I ask.

"Oh we sent her back to class"


"We have no evidence of that... but we do have evidence of you giving her a bloody nose"


"Connor do you want me to make this a 3 day suspension?"


I burst out through the office doors and try to run but I'm stopped by my dad. He grabs me and pulls me back into the office, I try to get free but I can't. The principle just smiles at him and tells him to take me home, I finally get free of my dads grip and I run to the car.


Once I'm in the house I run straight to my room, dad lets me go, I think he's given up by now. I look over at my nightstand and see the tiny piece of glass from the glass I broke when I was 16, I saved that piece of glass just in case I ever needed it. Maybe I do now. I stare at it for a while and shake the thought out of my head.

No. You have something must more important to do. You must see Evan. It's the only thing that can make you happy without hurting yourself or anyone else. You may be in more trouble than you already are but it's worth it.

I quickly run over to my window and unlock it, I hear the garage door open.

Shit. Mom's home.

I pretend to ignore it and jump out the window, I land on both feet surprisingly. I take the secret way to Evan's, I don't want mom seeing me. I climb over neighbors fences until I come to the familiar Hansen fence, I slowly climb over the fence and into the yard and head over to Evan's window. The siding surrounding the window is so familiar now I just know what window to go to. I pull up on the window and it opens.

Wow he must have forgotten to lock it again. Silly Ev.

I climb into his room and shut the window, locking it this time so no kidnapers can kidnap my precious Evan. I sigh and lay on his bed, I look at the time. It's already 12:30.

He won't be home for another 3 hours, can I even wait that long?

I suddenly hear footsteps coming from outside, my body freezes.

Shit. Does Evan's mom not have work today or something?

I watch as the doorhnob starts to turn, I lay on Evan's bed, frozen in shock. I watch to see who steps into the room and my body relaxes instantly, it's Evan.

What's he doing here so early? Shouldn't he be at school?

I watch as Evan makes eye contact with me and his mouth widens into a smile. He runs over to his bed and wraps his little arms around me, I can feel tears run down onto my shoulder and I can hear him crying, Evan sits up for a second and looks down on me, I speak first.

"Ev... why are you home so early?"

"I-I got suspended... why are you here?"

"Same reason and I wanted to see you"

Evan engulfs me into another hug, I lightly kiss his forehead. I can hear him crying still, I run my fingers down his back and whisper into his ear.

"It'll be ok Ev... it'll be ok"

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