Chapter 42

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Evan's POV:

My eyes open and my vision is blurry, I can make out the long hair Connor has and I see another shape that's standing beside him. I blink my eyes a few times and my vision becomes clear again, Connor is hovering over me making sure I'm ok, the man behind him looks like one of the police officers that came to the door. I start to shake. Connor rubs his fingers gently against my arm.

"It'll be ok Evan as long as we have each other. We can get through this together" he whispers.

I nod and slowly get up. The police man looks over at me.

"Oh you're awake, I'm Hank Chanler and I'm from the New York police department. I heard you boys ran away from home and I am here to return you to your parents. They are worried sick"

I sigh and walk over to the dresser and start to pack my things, the police man walks over to me.

"Oh and I heard you got a job, I told the manager what happened so now you won't have to worry about your job anymore"

I let out a sigh of relief.

Maybe that's a good thing. I kept messing up people's orders anyway.

"Oh and Connor's car is being driven back over by one of my co-workers. You two won't have to worry about anything all I need to do is take you home"

I'll still have to worry about my mom and my grades and everything else when I get home though...

I nod and continue to pack my stuff and Connor comes over to help me. I lean onto his shoulder and he gives me a soft kiss on the cheek.

Maybe everything will be fine. As long as we have each other.


Hank takes us to his car and Connor and I sit in the back sweat, Connor holds my hand and smiles. I smile back and Hank starts the car. He pulls out of the hotel parking lot and we are on our way back home.

I wish I could stay with Connor forever, but once we get home I'll be separated from him again. His parents will be mad and he'll get grounded for even longer.

Hank turns the radio to this old radio station, Connor runs his soft fingers down my arm. I sigh.

"Hey con"


"I'm cold"

"Here take my jacket"

Connor maneuvers his way around the seat belt and takes his jacket off, he hands it to me and I wrap it around myself, I breath in his sent, I smile.

"I love you Connor Murphy"

"Love you too Evan"

Connor leans over and kisses me on the cheek, Hank doesn't seem to be bothered. I blush and kiss him back, but this time on the lips.

Things will be ok, as long as I have you Connor Murphy.

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